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A member registered Jul 18, 2020

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Honestly, I think the main thing that bothers me is the fact that Alaska doesn't connect to Northeast Russia.

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Thanks for another great game!

I would say that all the upgrades and "general" effects seem very underwhelming and leave much to be desired, especially with the high randomness of the attack and defense. The game is by far more decided by truce timing and board strategy than by development and tactics, which is a bit of a bummer.

The UI is good. The skill trees and upgrades are perfectly simple. The diplomacy is very good, probably my favorite part. The map seems fairly balanced and well thought out. The players play well.

Took me a while to figure out all the mechanics and messed up on first movement phase thinking that it was only for placing your generals.

Thanks again and take care :)

Edit: I love the coalition. Really shouldn't be losing all 40 troops vs 4 defending when attacking.

Maybe if neighbors are more likely to attack aggressive factions and have a NAP with non-aggressive ones.

Hmm with the introduction of Scotland and Ireland river crossings would just make England even weaker than it is.

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Fun update, the power spike of harvest and unit production when having more territories is pretty steep and hill-forts become very weak in comparison. Perhaps a limit on the distance you can reinforce would help. I still like the idea of being able to ford rivers at a great cost. Something of a revolt or territorial happiness would also balance out fast expansion and the scales tipping towards someone capturing a lot in the early game.

:( I wanted my burger to end when I added everything.

Better, thanks, I for one like the colors.

No fullscreen, lags way too much

Ok, so I love the new update. I'm wondering if it would be possible to attack over rivers but at a disadvantage. Might make for more dynamic games.

Thanks, I enjoyed the additions! Merry Christmas!

I thought I responded to this, looks good! thanks, merry christmas!

Fun, took me a while to figure out the controls, functions & how to navigate the UI. No end game screen. Not excited to play again.

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I loved this, played as all the starting locations. Beating the game as center was a neat little puzzle.

Perfect in it's simplicity and ease of play.

I feel like this is ripe for a sequel with more economy options (choose if territory specializes in defense, manpower, or cash)

Potential improvements, in order of priority:

  1.  Make "Tutorial" screen visible during game-play.
  2.  Mention that you can consolidate any/all of your armies to any/all of your territories
  3.  Ability to choose starting location (from presets)
  4.  Ability to choose color
  5.  Option to continue playing after game completion

Fun mechanic for a more elaborate game.

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Why is the AI cheating? They don't lose any health on hit and you take more damage on defense? Yuck.
Edit: I'm an idiot. Maybe make the exhaustion more visible in game?

I immediately knew I was going to play this when I watched the trailer. The music is amazing and I am super excited to see where this project goes!

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Maybe to be able to turn it into like two diagonal lines or something so you can still tell it's resetting. Edit: 398 score gah! lol

I think the ability to disable would probably be helpful. I keep coming back to try and beat that last level :P it's hard

really fun, agree on the screen shake thing

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So, let me get this straight. We know that Marilyn knows Cleopatra and says that it's the last time she relies on children. So, she's implied to be thousands of years old.

The guy at the end of the bed (the one that looked "inviting", and was at the location closest to her starting position) who is probably Craig (because he is the "cool guy" and wasn't part of the ritual) asks if Marilyn did something with him. She shuts him down in a way that suggests something DID happen. So, we are lead to believe that Marilyn did indeed do something with Craig. Are we are dealing with a predator witch who convinced a girl to do a seance to be with her crush only to sleep with him?

Also, why is there a framed picture of Marilyn on the wall at Steph's house when she has only known them for 2 weeks, did she do this to her parents too?

Love the game by the way!

Additional notes: The bed-hidden cigarettes need to be more obvious, like a more distinct outline or obvious illumination. Also, maybe a line of text on the downstairs cigarettes that reads "these cigarettes are just buds" - I had to look this one up

The crowbar I did, in fact, click on my own. It really wasn't obvious as when you click on the tool-stand it mentions golf-clubs. But I also didn't strain to find it. Don't think it really needs to be changed.

20 minutes I got like 50 frames per minute and died :(

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I was thinking a little more about the game and I thought that it would be nice to have a little bit of color variation throughout the game. Like the background color changes every so often or something. The magnet idea is really cool. Maybe another idea are magnets that you are repulsed from instead of attracted to, or even the ability to swap the attraction status.

Edit: I just read about the repulsion forces you were thinking about lol

Clearly, I was very salty when I wrote the comment and I'm glad you responded because I was going to edit my comment and forgot. Sorry to be so harsh, I should mention I've never been the biggest fan of 2D "platform" games, so I don't think I'm your main target audience. I appreciate the game and thank you for sharing it! I think for the more challenging levels it might be more fun if there was another magnet you could catch on if you fell off instead of going all the way back to the start. It would add some variance to the attempts. Maybe some levels earlier where "playing around" is more encouraged, like a bunch of magnets in a web so the player can practice and get used to the mechanics and physics.

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I hated this game so much, but, I had to beat it. I enjoyed it up until level 13. Levels 13 and 16 are WTF hard. I had like 200 attempts for each of them (can't tell exactly how many because I refreshed the page). The rest of the levels combined: less than 100 attempts. There is a ridiculously small window that must be met two times in a row. The reset time is too long, you are punished for learning the physics of the game too harshly. Fuck this game. Happy New Year.

Just opened the menu screen - I immediately noticed someone was a fan of the band Windir.  The title melody sounds the same as Todeswalzer, haha

I need a ride to the airport they said, it will be chill they said...