What's your version of both the game and the mod?
Do you have the script mods enabled in the options?
Can you send a screenshot of your Mods folder?
There's no specific instructions for WonderfulWhims but you can use check out the 2nd point here: https://turbodriver.itch.io/wickedwhims/devlog/496891/translating-mods
Mod has been updated for the latest release of The Sims 4.
PSA: If you are using the 1.105 release of The Sims 4.
Unfortunately the latest Sims update broke WonderfulWhims.
I assure you TURBO is hard at work, trying to release a new version of the mod, but in the meantime, all you can do is wait for TURBO, or play without mods for a while.
Simply removing the mod from your Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods directory should do the trick.
If you have a Windows PC and the OneDrive service, it has been known to be somewhat overzealous in bringing back deleted files from their grave, in which case try unlinking OneDrive or removing the mod from OneDrive directory as well.