This fix seems to be working. i've downloaded 20 movies out of 89 from my R18 library. It's slow, but it's working. Thanks for your help.
I'm getting the following error message:
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [WARN] Could not start simulation engine: could not start browser instance simulation: could not send message: could not send message to server: Protocol error (Browser.enable): Browser closed.
==================== Browser output: ====================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
=========================== logs ===========================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
I tried various formats but nothing is downloaded.
E:\jav-it>set DEBUG=pw
E:\jav-it>jav-it download /c E:\jav-it\r18.com_firefox_cookies.txt /i 61mds049 /o .\movies
Jav-It v1.7.3 Copyright (c) 2020 (https://jav-it.itch.io/jav-it)
*** This is REGISTERED software. With your support, you are encouraging the
*** author to continue to develop this tool and new functionality! THANK YOU!
This functionality is supported by https://www.jav-subtitles.com.
Complete Log Output:
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Server source is set to R18 (Default).
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [WARN] Due to significant R18 server changes the older Itch.io engine suffers download performance issues.
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Please use the Patreon version for the latest backend and engine performance updates.
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Verifying if simulator driver requires downloading and caching...
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Downloading and caching simulation driver...
2022/09/30 16:16:34 [INFO] Driver successfully cached!
2022/09/30 16:16:34 [INFO] Verifying if support modules require downloading and caching...
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [WARN] Could not start simulation engine: could not start browser instance simulation: could not send message: could not send message to server: Protocol error (Browser.enable): Browser closed.
==================== Browser output: ====================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
=========================== logs ===========================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [INFO] Failure to start may be an indication that antivirus software is running. (disable it?)
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [INFO] Attempting automatic repair of simulation engine...
2022/09/30 16:16:49 [INFO] The simulation engine has been reset, but but requires a program restart on Windows.
2022/09/30 16:16:49 [INFO] Please retry your last command to finish repairs and proceed with normal operation.
The batch file cannot be found.
I just purchased jav-it and I'm having a problem using the tool when downloading r18.cm files.
I got the ID from the website, but i get an error saying :
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [WARN] Could not start simulation engine: could not start browser instance simulation: could not send message: could not send message to server: Protocol error (Browser.enable): Browser closed.
Is there any guidance in resolving this error?
---- complete log output ----
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Server source is set to R18 (Default).
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [WARN] Due to significant R18 server changes the older Itch.io engine suffers download performance issues.
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Please use the Patreon version for the latest backend and engine performance updates.
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Verifying if simulator driver requires downloading and caching...
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Downloading and caching simulation driver...
2022/09/30 16:16:34 [INFO] Driver successfully cached!
2022/09/30 16:16:34 [INFO] Verifying if support modules require downloading and caching...
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [WARN] Could not start simulation engine: could not start browser instance simulation: could not send message: could not send message to server: Protocol error (Browser.enable): Browser closed.
==================== Browser output: ====================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
=========================== logs ===========================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [INFO] Failure to start may be an indication that antivirus software is running. (disable it?)
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [INFO] Attempting automatic repair of simulation engine...
2022/09/30 16:16:49 [INFO] The simulation engine has been reset, but but requires a program restart on Windows.
2022/09/30 16:16:49 [INFO] Please retry your last command to finish repairs and proceed with normal operation.
The batch file cannot be found.