I just purchased jav-it and I'm having a problem using the tool when downloading r18.cm files.
I got the ID from the website, but i get an error saying :
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [WARN] Could not start simulation engine: could not start browser instance simulation: could not send message: could not send message to server: Protocol error (Browser.enable): Browser closed.
Is there any guidance in resolving this error?
---- complete log output ----
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Server source is set to R18 (Default).
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [WARN] Due to significant R18 server changes the older Itch.io engine suffers download performance issues.
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Please use the Patreon version for the latest backend and engine performance updates.
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Verifying if simulator driver requires downloading and caching...
2022/09/30 16:16:31 [INFO] Downloading and caching simulation driver...
2022/09/30 16:16:34 [INFO] Driver successfully cached!
2022/09/30 16:16:34 [INFO] Verifying if support modules require downloading and caching...
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [WARN] Could not start simulation engine: could not start browser instance simulation: could not send message: could not send message to server: Protocol error (Browser.enable): Browser closed.
==================== Browser output: ====================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
=========================== logs ===========================
<launching> C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\ms-playwright\firefox-1238\firefox\firefox.exe -no-remote -headless -profile C:\Users\kaylani\AppData\Local\Temp\playwright_firefoxdev_profile-8v8v58 -juggler-pipe -silent
<launched> pid=9560
[pid=9560] <process did exit: exitCode=3221225781, signal=null>
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [INFO] Failure to start may be an indication that antivirus software is running. (disable it?)
2022/09/30 16:16:48 [INFO] Attempting automatic repair of simulation engine...
2022/09/30 16:16:49 [INFO] The simulation engine has been reset, but but requires a program restart on Windows.
2022/09/30 16:16:49 [INFO] Please retry your last command to finish repairs and proceed with normal operation.
The batch file cannot be found.