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A member registered Jan 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Welp, no problem! I hope it resolves swiftly. It's actually disheartening when I saw it, and being completely reused/stolen on another jam.

(1 edit)

uhhh hi again? I found a similar game to yours and is called Ratcall Escape, and looks like it's submitted in 
Level Up Game Jam 2024 by someone. What a weird time
to comment here again, and just here to report that
your game might be being copied by someone/completely reused/stolen.

(2 edits)

very fun game, I think the bridges can be cut to just 1, 2, 3/4/5 (your choice, for me it will be either 3/4), and 9, it's the only one I think it overstayed its welcome, despite really fun set. I think 1, 2, 3/4 already provided the enough idea of the set, that you could just go cut 2 levels, and just straight to 9, and I would say you jumped too much on this one.. Still a very cool game. I think my favorite is the acrobat duology levels.

I had fun with this one. Funny enough, I solved every level easily-decent time, except level 13 dumbfounded for long, until I realize and had been doing for so long, that length is the key.

this one is so far the one I had most fun, very neat, made me think a bit on some levels.

Anyway, my full playthrough of the game.

Very fun game! Managed to beat all the levels. I guess there are times it can be RNG, and some levels can wall you still easily. But overall, it is amazing as always! Amazing work, you two!


(1 edit)

Wow, this reminds me of another game that has the this kind of style, very same vibe but much more difficult. And wow, few levels, I'm kind of hooked in on it!

EDIT: ohhh... I see now why. welp kudos to them, no wonder why I remembered another game.

Well this is just the b-side only, but still a very fun and challenging game, especially on b-side.

(I also did a commentary, but might be cursed.)

I enjoyed this game! I love the visuals and the animation bits, they're pretty good and adorable! Thank you for such a cute game.

Adorable and twisted at the same time. I also love the characters, and their backstory and lore as well. Visuals are also pretty good!
(1 edit)

I played it today, and while my previous statement of even more breather might no longer be true, this is now so much better, and the ice blocks do even much more better now.

Overall, this is an improvement over the vanilla /first version.

Decided to check on this one, and I will say this is still amazing, just like any of your other games! I guess mostly has been said now in the comments, but writing as always very amazing, characters are very charming, even the NPCs, just like in your latest games. Musics pretty good too and compliments with it.

Overall, it's an amazing game like others. I do also have commentary, but I kept saying the wrong name for Bocks. I'm so sorry.

Welp, I finally had the chance to play this one. (Also sorry for onl

This game's pretty good. Visuals are nice, and music's very good. Bullet patterns are I guess still simple, but of course I still had challenge on it, and mainly I'm just still not good at bullet hells, as shown in the vid. And congrats on winning the 3rd place. I don't think I can say what issues I had, because most of it had been said as well already on the jam side.

Still, not bad.

(1 edit)

And I now finally beaten the final challenge!

Also congrats on winning the Jam. You deserve it! The visuals and audio again of this game is phenomenal.

(Your game is at start, tho I do have commentary, but might be cursed.)

It's a very cute, and like someone said in the jam submission, minimal puzzle game! I like that the puzzles can be solved with number of solutions! The pixel arts are pretty good too! Overall, a pretty good game!

(Your game starts at 4:46. I do have  a commentary, but starts at 6:07, and might be cursed.)

I had number of emotions when I played this game. Fergal and Eoin's characterization and development is so pretty good, then the last part/climax to ending came, and it was absolutely melancholy and sorrowful, despite the sudden end as well and back to menu. The cgs are pretty good and amazing, as well the character design! Overall it's a really cool emotional train ride of a game! I wish I could say more about the research, or the basis part of the game, but I still think it's done good. Maybe I'll follow up if I do, tho maybe someone else will say about it I guess. Still again, well done! Have a pat in the back.

This is even more of a breather than the previous one!

My playthrough of this game!

Interesting to see pull mechanics! (but that means there's a possibility of even more cursed Pull-oban later on.)

wait 651kbs?

(1 edit)

( A very pointless commentary version of this exist, It's just more on grunting or I'm gonna be here for a while.)

All I can say this game is very fun and aesthetically amazing! I love the music as well! This is absolutely an excellent game. It's definitely more on the difficult side, and had fun. Unfortunately I was only able to clear the 20 levels. The 21st level/final challenge, is too difficult for me to clear (I guess skill issues), but I'll see about it if I can do it... later that is.. I guess if there's like an easy clear version of the 21st as an option, like having some checkpoints instead on the challenge, but understandable if you would not want too. I still understand and respect for mentality of endless determination in the hardest of challenges. (Just for me, not on this genre tho, and especially not no missing as well.)

But still I had a lot fun with this game. So Kudos!

(also would be cool if there will be downloadable version, but understandable, if it will not.)

Very cute game! I did a playthrough, but I also have commentary version of it as well (couldn't share the video directly, because for some unknown blocked connection reason). Overall, I really like the game, it's very cute! The graphics are well crafted with pixel love. And the endings are really have their own charms! Overall, it's a very fun one. It has potential to expand further I guess if there will be post-game jam version that is. Still, a pretty cute game!

(1 edit)

EDIT of 5/26/2024: Improved my 2Star No Miss Run! Never been more happy to improve this further.

Tho, I'm still not good at danmaku games, I had a blast on this one. I like the dynamic difficulty it has, and making it harder, means better scoring. I still enjoy this one, and this is certainly a blast to play. Graphics are pretty amazing! Music is pretty good! Gameplay, well if I were a danmaku enthusiast, but I'm not, but I can say in both views, I still think this could be pretty good for beginners at short bursts I guess, and it's also pretty solid and fun.

Overall I enjoyed this one, and would play this alot anyday!

OTTO VOI! My playthrough of the game.

Also I think couple of levels need tweaking.

This for instance, you actually just not do all the targets and actually destroy all of them to win, which I think is not intentional, but I didn't on this one/playthrough. I did it later,and yeah, making this one cheesable.

Also this level keeps breaking whenever you clear the previous stage. Forcing you to restart/undo, due to the stage being empty.

Regardless, I still had fun in this.

Heyo, sorry for late reply! No problem! I almost forgot to report about that. I replayed the game, and it's as smooth as butter.

Welp this is certainly a ride.

Enjoy my terrible codings here.

(4 edits)

Man this game has potential, but I have mixed feelings about it, and also suck at coding. Just the last 3 levels, I still couldn't figure out, I guess I'm having skill issue, and even with skip level, the game can still break, despite the supposed right click issue has been fixed, but still can happen if you suddenly make the right click appear, and there are times I couldn't edit the coding portion at all.( Well feel free to give me hints or even answers at this point on the last three levels. I guess.)

I also still feel like it should have more levels to tutorialize in some other aspects. I guess, tho maybe it's just me.

EDIT: Just solved the last 3 levels. Still waiting for the update of one tho.

(I also made commentary, but might be cursed.)

Very intriguing game. I like the visuals going on in this game. The NPCs are definitely one of the Yume Nikki inspirations you said. I like the side art of the character/s going in real world, especially when they are in a situation. There's some symbolisms I guess going on, and I think, despite the shortness of the game, I still think the game is kind of very deep enough and could still take time for me to understand further. I will still check the other ending ofc. Overall, very mysterious and, again, intriguing game. I liked it and enjoyed my time, and had number of emotions.

(2 edits)

Unrelated and very random, but,

*posts this and goes back to shame cave*

(also posted it in my channel's community, but I have doubts if tagging system exists anyway, while it does, it doesn't really notify I think? unless I'm wrong. also I dunno if you have any other accounts, aside from there. All I can say you're also underrated and pretty good!)

Never knew cogs can curse! More complex than the previous one.

(Also made a commentary one, tho my voice is cursed,)

Simply cute and adorable short game! I love the pixel arts in this game. Characters are cute and charming, especially Agneau and Starful Hound, who are the more colorful and pretty good for the game's length as well. Overall, this is pretty good!

The End of Covemount

The Disappearance of Block Pusher, where did they go?

Anyway, fun game.

(Your game is at start, also did a commentary, even tho I didn't kind of speak a lot.)

Very fun game, kind of WarioWare-ish, tho still more of minigame collection. I like the graphics and the music as well. Really adorable. Overall, I had fun time in it!

(I also have commentary version, which discretion advice, my voice sucks a-word.)

I played both Silver Thread games yesterday, and decided to make it into single video.

I enjoyed this game, and it's mysteries. I like the characters and how cool they are. I like the art style in this, and especially pixel arts (which I forgor to add it in the description, and only now remembered what else is missing. Also I'm a man fond of pixel arts, so instant excellent for me.) And lastly, I like the media references, and one that caught me the most, is the stepladder. I knew as I saw the ladder, they will freaking make the joke, and just gave me the good ol' Wright & Fey flashbacks.

Overall, these games are promising, and hopefully the next chapter will excite me as well.

(Your game is around at 6:53, even tho I should not be doing this, as I already timestamped it lol. Also made a commentary (kind of) version of this, just the time a little adjusted, due to being unedited video.)

I enjoyed this game a ton, despite the short time. Graphics are neat and based. <- (is very fond of pixel arts)

The puzzles and platforming are really good, and I also agree to the comments, it's unique! The last stage section is funnily my favorite of all from the rest of the stages. Overall pretty great game you got there. I think this game can be expanded further imo, and I still think deserves more recognition.

(Your Game is at the start of the video. I also made a commentary (kind of) version of this.) 

I like the game! I like the art. It's so very cute, and as well the stream and chat it has! It can also be very addicting due to the arcade nature of it.

Overall, I like it!

(1 edit)

This game has an absolute gorgeous start and have a lot of promises and mysteries! Characters and writing are superb as well, despite having some errors and here there. The art is so so adorable, including the horrors and abominations. I can't wait to see how will this game goes in the future!

(I also have commentary version of this.) 

(1 edit)

I guess it's a calm before the storm, despite having some problems on one level. Really makes you dance!

Ummm.... why this doesn't count? Do I need to input every item? This is the only way I could think of.