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A member registered Jan 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Game is pretty amazing! The art is spectacular and musics are really good! There's some symbolism I guess going on. I might try to check about it later. I guess I do have few issues on the game. Certain areas, lag for unknown reason, and can also crash the game if you still stay on those areas. (The areas are the one with the tv and a patch hole, and the other was the two portraits and a hole, with the dissection part coming next there.) It might be my PC tho unfortunately, but those areas weirdly lag. Still I was able to finish the game I guess despite all of those issues. I have gotten endings 0 to 3, but I have no idea how to get to the 5th ending, I feel like I have tried already every other option. I even didn't get the scalpel at the final of the surgery, but that didn't matter, and still initiated to control mako. But oh well I guess I found the most important ones at least.

Still, pretty good game!

(I dunno why my audio got crusted flanging at late of around 1hr and 30 min. mark, but yeah. Also has no commentary I guess, for anybody else.)

So yeah, I enjoyed the VN! It is pretty cute and cool! Love the characters and their dialogues as well. The varying poses and motion really as well deliver
and depict some of the scenes really cool! I guess the only issue... well I timestamped of me trying as well to get the other endings... so yeah, was also the same with the one other comment. I really tried many choices, even making mistakes, and really couldn't get the other 2 endings... unless the blood red cup counts as one.

Still, a good vn! I enjoyed it! Might follow up later if the game gets an update.

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ah ok, got it, I mean there's a lot of time and things for me to do anyways! they'll have the time eventually. Still looking forward to it! Also sorry if I only replied now.

(Your game is in 10:52. I also did a no commentary, but it has a different slot, and edited the ends.)

It's a good short of a pilot vn/game, which shows some promise on your studio. I really like the voice acting, it's very good! I guess it
just needs to match the dialogue as well and ended up reading the rest of the dialogue as well, but I can understand, it's your first time. Artistry and style is pretty cool! Noa's very cute going tbh on that one. Music is also amazing! It really shows just as how you describe it on your page. Overall, I enjoyed this one. The other reason I checked this out, is also as well being a TyranoBuilder. I haven't seen that much of the engine, aside from 1 or 2 games I've played a while I guess.

So yeah, I hope you do guys pretty well onto your next stories!

(3 edits)

Ooh, interesting! Might check this one out later. I played the demo of DReAMLAND, and I must say I'm impressed with the translation, and it's absolutely drastically an improvement.  So Kudos! I'm really looking forward to it. (And my wallet is kind of ready, hopefully it's affordable.)

Speaking of, there was the other game they release based on the same universe. It's the only one I haven't played... and can't also buy it, because it's on a different platform.... and it's on h-site (and also had different payments). It does have english translation, but I'm unsure if you're the one that also did it or not. So I do only have one question tho, if you checked out the game already during those times, do I miss out anything for not seeing this, and more of supplementary, or no ? But if you didn't anyway and/or as well probably not the one who translated the game, that's also fine, and nevermind me then.

(I'm gonna admit something on this tho, I tried to "black magic" about the game, but all I find is just the h-version or the (ar-ey-tin) and yeah. I was hoping someone has the somewhat safer version. There was a playthrough by someone, but there are times I just want to find it out for myself. )

Also, I'm really sorry in advance for bothering you something like this.
And if there's something uncomfortable or something, I will just edit out this comment or like delete this right away. (<- I'm still honestly not good in conversations)

I will say it's a very fun game. Took me a while. There might be certain parts that feel unfair on the gimmick.
Still, again, I enjoyed. Really love the pixel arts, and the remix of the track I guess as well.
(1 edit)

I guess most has been said now, but very well done and some are relatable.

(Also has no commentary.)

Very fun game! Really enjoyed it, and the dialogues are funny enough, it makes me want to play more Touhou.

Thank you!

I guess I did some playthroughs. I have a commentary and a no-commentary one.

(Also has no commentary... but certain parts have erased song/muted. Also took me a while to post this, sorry about that.)

It's a promising game. Unfortunately this current version has not a lot to offer, but verily sold to the well crafted pixelry of this game and the art as well. Really gives off some dream vibe to it. Music choices are pretty cool I will say. Unfortunately, the no commentary was not safe from the content ID. Still those are understandable choices.

Hope to see the future updates of this game!

I can help out a bit, it's RPG Maker 2000/2003.

A really fun game! The ending also really ❤️❤️.

I guess here's a 1CC Run of the game. (also has me no speaking for the pure game audio.)

No problemo! It was such a really cute game! I did encounter some bugs on the playthrough, such as being able to repeat the frog, even tho the frog is no longer there.

(1 edit)

Certainly a very cozy and sweet yuri, music is also vibes. What more do you need? What you made is more than enough, and I enjoyed
every single second of it. Very good second winter yuri I played so far. Thank you!

(well I made a playthrough of it as well, be with me speaking
or with just only pure game audio.)

(also has no commentary I guess.) 

Pretty promising game so far.  Pretty cool artistry going on here (applies to the music, graphics, and story/writing as well) . Characters are also promising as well and they are really cute.. And has some funny moments. 

I guess gameplay wise it's good. I do have some issues I guess a bit during the church one, and I felt the puzzle tho can be thought with the first hint given... Even though there can be somehow obvious for the third... But still can be still kind of brute forcey for the third number, as there's completely no hints about it, and I even almost thought maybe the hint has another hidden different meaning... But yeah. I guess other issues will be, tho kind of almost major,  but still mostly minor,  will be the password one (the lack of mentioning the answer should be in small caps,  or coding to accept it in any caps) and basically some event tiles that are very specific. Some events can be repeated if you walked back and forth. Also the way you interact in some of them,  is still just if you walked back on them, instead of interact button. 

Regardless of the issues, I still had fun traversing this surreal adventure game. I look forward to the full game one day. 

Crazy good bullet hell game as always. Very fun to play. I wonder if you will ever make a longer game/passion project, out of the amazingly crazy bite sized/short games you have made so far. Again, that's all I can say. I'm just speechlessly amazed.
I guess I do have playthrough, with me speaking or no speaking I guess. (I dunno why I did a commentary.)

Words cannot describe how I felt this game. The art is absolutely amazing and absolutely adorable as well, especially the characters. The characters are definitely well written with love and care! Writing is very exquisite, and love the variety of word usage (even tho myself is not a very vocab person), but still understands most of the times. The twist and turns are also really cool. And lastly the music also fits the vibes and resonates with all the things I said.

Still, this is absolutely well done! Thank you for such a wonderful game! I still hope to see more of your games in the future, the same way with the people involved on this.

Well I guess I did a gameplay/readthrough of the VN: (also comes with no commentary, tho unedited so it's the same length as the video below.)

(Well it has no commentary as well.)

Well I already said a lot of things somewhere. I still had fun playing this game! Again very always cool! Looking forward for the update someday, but still, take a break!

Did a follow up video and played endless mode with the new updated gameplay and I can say it's pretty much better now and much possible to reach 300. (Unfortunately no more funny thumbs up I guess) 
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(I do also have no commentary one.)

Very fever dreamy and bright but with a bit gloomy of a game. I like what's going on in here. The art style really gives some vibrant surrealistic feel. Lorewise, it's also very interesting in a good way. Overall, not bad. I might have missed something else, like another ending, but I'm unsure anyways. Either I'll do a follow up video if there is, or maybe I'll check it on my own time, or probably some lore that I have just missed.

Again, and I forgot to mention, despite with the bugs and glitches, it's pretty good!

(1 edit)

very cool game. Looking forward to further updates!

(also made a gameplay, tho I also did a no-commentary as well anyways [also yep this is an earlier version, and not the recent with c one]. I'm unsure if I found every effect in this version atm, still, this game has beautiful areas, and most of the time the things I enjoy in YNFGs! Kudos!)

Again very fun game! I wish ENDLESS mode is also already selectable as well.

It's a very fun game, I'm not gonna lie. The art & animations are amazing. And I know you like making difficult games, coming from this game, and a comment...
1. Around 200 is inhumane, I think at 170 should have stopped increasing in speed. If still not want to, well I think 250 should be more justifiable. 300 is just too much with the speed.
2, There are times the slimes can get stuck at certain areas, and even softlocked once and couldn't go back to title screen, had to refresh the page to restart the game.
3. I wish it's buttons instead like AD/left right. Like I said before the dragging can cause issues.
4. It's mostly easier in touchscreen, and could have been completeable without getting into rage.... if issue no.2 didn't exist.

Still, a very fun and addicting game, just sucks because of the aformentioned issues. And I like difficult games. It's just currently can be unfun to complete due to issues. Maybe it's just me... but those happened.

(I also have a no commentary one.)

It's a cool very depressing game. I guess everything is expressed well, and I can emphatize in the character/s' situation. 

Depressing story aside, your art is absolutely amazing, and expresses well with the story, as well with the surrealistic conveying.

If this is actual experience, or a tale from someone, it's still cool.

Overall, really had emotions on this one. Thank you.

Oh... I'm very honored as well to hear it. Thank you so much!

This is such a freaking cool game, and really promising as well! I like the style of this game, it's absolutely amazing, and atmospheric as well, giving some really serious, but also gloomy, and eerieness as well! Characters are interesting as well, especially with some of the backstory/ies and lore/s as well.

Looking forward to the actual game someday!

(Also... welp, I guess I made a gameplay as well, but my voice might be cursed, and may not be understandable at times. Tho I also have no commentary I guess. I apologize if I don't share videos directly... just having fears/anxiety and other things, and as well only now.)

thank you!

(I do also have like a no speaking/commentary one.)

Adorable gb game, 10/10, would play it again on a real cartridge. (while doable on own still costly.)

(1 edit)

ah I see. Welp I'll try to keep that in mind. I'm sorry.

This is such a fantastic game. Really enjoyed the story and the twist. I think it's absolutely beautiful and extremely gorgeous about the art! The endings as well are wonderful, and actually conveyed what fully happened as well. (I apologize if I'm not good in words.)

I unfortunately playthroughed the game in the web build, and I noticed there's an update now so yeah.

Anyway, here's my... I guess cursed commentary of the game.

(Tho I do have like a non commentary one as well.)
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Due to long reply I will reply it here. I like the puzzle mechanics of some effects and I think that's one thing I will praise about this game's effect hunting mechanics.

EDIT: Just a follow-up of like the playthrough part 2 is out, and I kept the bugs in the video unedited, just for more clarification. Tho the other bugs, I didn't perform, since I was recording. I just hope the previous comment and that will help.

I guess the dandelion still in sense at least. (and found it before, didn't know it's another area.  Tho ynfgs, are about dreams with variety of themes and topics, and I guess randomness, I guess the elevator one would require a bit of like even a miniscule hint, but again everyone I guess will still see these comments now. And I also had a feeling my suggestion could ruin about that, so don't take it much,  and I'm sorry for randomly broughting it up. Tbh I thought the effect will be in the actual one other room for the lily. 

I guess time for the bugs I found and/or other potential forgot to make the event temporary and things. Still take your time and don't overwork. 

1. The one effect that requires another has a missing sprite. Trying to go in and go out freezes the game. 

2. Same thing for the return to nexus bench in black door chance effect. If you try to go further to the right. It goes back to the white bg void and freezes the game. 

3. If you kill the one npc with the one random chance event of being nothing. If they're there and killed before, they are stuck in the wall and never going back in the room.  I had that save permanent. 

4. Tho this might not be a bug, but killing the moon event is permanent, and doesn't go back to its former state even after waking up. Sprite also goes to hole, but you can still enter it and it's still the black moon. 

That's all the bugs I found atm. Sorry couldn't provide the video/playthrough follow up for at least the bug checks, and I'm unsure if there are more that I missed that is permanently gone.  But yeah that's all I can provide for now. Still a pretty neat game again now after finding all effects.  I hope to see more of it later. 

(2 edits)

ah ok. Just making sure that base effects is not included in the count. I already tried hard to find the other two effects and revisited the other areas again.... I couldn't find it.

EDIT: I have found one more in the black door, just I dunno where else to check the remaining one, I feel like I already have checked everything at this point... unless there's one again in a game breaking bug state.

so 11?

(1 edit)

double checking in effects, 11 to find + 2, or actually 13 effects to find?

plays the covemonty of that number. (e.g. if you place a pause code, it will resume)

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this is too much for me. needs an overhaul.

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(also has no commentary. This is old version unfortunately)

Really pretty ynfg I will say. The visuals in this game are stunning. Musics pretty good too. Overall very promising. I wasn't able to find all effects... But I think there's one I can't obtain, which I will explain in the next paragraph.

I did run into some bugs as well. However, I unfortunately edited out in both videos. There's an area with dock + shoal combination,  found in the cave with a caterpillar, where there's one isle with 2 pillars that supposed to transport you somewhere, except it transitions you to still the same place. I tried it over and over, and it doesn't work. I'm unsure if there's an effect there, but if there is, and that's the only way, then yeah, I could say it's unobtainable. Another bug is after you visit the balloon world once, I dunno for some reason, visiting back the grave world, and trying to I guess, eat the candy on the bench one, becomes infinite, and cannot be removed/eaten, making revisit of the world impossible. I guess these are the other bugs I could find in my time playing the game.

Still, really pretty game! I think one thing you should implement, which kind of like any other ynfg, but always take your time and not rush about it, is like sitting with effects. Can be annoying and detriment at times for like getting an effect unequiped from sitting I guess. Speaking of sitting I found a glitch, where if you press too fast on like interacting on any chair, you can glitch through it and still walk forward, and get out of bounds/stuck in an invisible wall.

I'm very flattered to hear that... haha.

(Also has no commentary.)

Really cool and stylistic art and cgs, with solid minigame gameplay, for a 10-15 min game.
Pretty cool!

Not gonna lie, despite sometimes not liking back and forth/backtracking, this is a well done one.

My playthrough (yeah I'm still doing it, just not like most of the time I can share, times been busy.)