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A member registered Oct 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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It has already been disqualified, yes

That's fine, it's just not eligible to enter this jam

There is no web build. Mobile games aren't accepted in this jam.

We require a web build for this jam. It also needs to be an arcade game with a high score table, it needs to adhere to the theme "one shot", and you need to have started development when the jam started, not 11 days before

We require a web build for this jam. It also needs to be an arcade game with a high score table, it needs to adhere to the theme "one shot", and you need to have started development 90 minutes ago, when the jam started

Hello! I wrote a blog post about the cool new tech we can expect to see from Unity in the coming years:

Unity 6 is about to be released, but the tech preview has been out for ages. I'm interested in the cutting edge stuff coming in Unity 7 (not that they've confirmed the name yet)

This is a great little party game, get a couple of friends together and get real angry with them for blowing you up. For people without friends there are also bots, which give a decent amount of challenge. There are a couple of game modes, a few maps, the music is pretty great and the game looks nice. All in all, a nice little package considering it's free! Fair warn, though, you do have to sign up. Supports social sign in, but might be a deal-breaker for you.

We're making a free suite of online tools for games, focused around cross-platform social interactions. To start with, we've got user sign-up (including google/apple/discord/twitter account linking), a leaderboard system that is a little bit more resistant to posting fake scores, and a quick and easy JSON database store. User sign up is optional for interacting with the leaderboard and database, it's possible to programatically create a "guest user" that can use all the services without forcing sign-in. You get a random username, and can create an account to pick a specific username and take your scores & data to different devices!

We're hard at work on a friend system, too. Ideally it would be really simple to post messages, challenge your friends to beat high scores, send game state - e.g. a seed in a roguelike game so your friends can jump straight in to the same game state, that sort of thing. 

Are there any extra features you'd like to see from this sort of thing? The idea is that we handle all the infrastructure and you make cool games. What's on your wishlist, something where you think "I would love to add that to my game, but I'm not paying for hosting" 😉

(2 edits)

Arcade games are our jam (get it) and we want to see a bunch more of them - so we're putting up $10,000 worth of prizes split across a few different categories. Our last jam spawned some awesome games, but we want more

We've got a pretty active Discord community if you need help, or want to find a team. I personally run a weekly live game feedback session there too, if you have an existing project and you want to see someone new play it live.

Now, you're probably thinking "hey, where is this money coming from" - we have a WIP suite of free developer tools, and candidly we want more people to be aware of them. But it's not just that! We want to foster a cool game dev community with regular game jams and feedback sessions. In my opinion, the best way for us to make a great set of useful tools is to have an active community: using our tools or not, developers are our priority and we want to see and help you do cool things!

You're also probably thinking "this is definitely a scam", but no! The last winners were paid within 10 days of the jam end, and it's really easy to get in touch with us if you're having problems. This is our fourth jam that has a prize pool, and all winners have been paid 😉

HYPLAY Indie Galactic 2

Join the jam now! $10,000 worth of prizes to be won
(1 edit)

The spinning mechanic is really fun actually, there's a really good amount of risk/reward there. Almost every time I died, it was because I tried to spin just one more time! On that mechanic, though, I'd like to see a bit of inertia on the spin, so you don't stop immediately. I think that would make it feel better, and it would be riskier to keep spinning and build up your spin momentum. I don't understand why I could spin on the ground, and it felt weird to land at an angle and continue "running" at an angle, that's a bug with your main mechanic that I would consider fixing quickly.

On that - spinning is clearly the main mechanic, so why is the combination stuff there? It doesn't feel like it serves the gameplay, it kinda feels shoehorned in - as if you had to do that, and I can't quite work out why. If I were you, I would strongly consider removing that mechanic entirely. At least make a prototype without it, and see if it significantly changes the feel of the game!

I won't comment much on visual style, because it is clearly a mechanics-focused prototype, but I will say that you need to consider your use of colour. Your game is oversaturated, if I were you I'd stick to existing palettes - check 🙂

You might be interested in the live feedback events we run on our discord server - every Thursday at 19:00 UTC/12:00 PT - that's today, in a few hours! 

There were a few bugs. I'll quickly list them here in case there were any you aren't aware of:

  • the game freezes for a few seconds after you die, before the game over screen comes up - not sure why this is, but it feels bad!
  • Collecting one of the squares in the sky resets your jump, so you can actually jump infinitely - though it seems like your jump adds to your vertical velocity, so if you're falling it only slows you down a little. 
    • Side note, that's not really how game jumps usually work 😉
  • I can spin while on the ground, and my rotation isn't ever reset, both of which feel weird
  • You've got the typical endless runner prototype issue of not being able to react in time to certain obstacles. Generally to solve that you can do a few things:
    • check the player's height and vertical velocity when you spawn an object, and make decisions about what to spawn based on that. E.g. if they are low and moving up, don't spawn something high
    • give the player more warning - kinda like tetris does with block previews, you can indicate whether the next block is going high or low
  • don't know where to put this, but I never have any idea what the pieces do. Gun to my head I'd say 95% of them do nothing 🙃

The macOS version works, I think. I clicked the light and everything went dark, and I couldn't figure out what to do from there! Sorry 😅

Hello! I recently gave a short talk about prototyping, and I thought I'd turn it into a blog post so everyone gets access to my sage wisdom/incoherent ramblings. Read it here: and let me know what you think!

I really enjoyed this! There's a lot of content, and the autobattling system is pretty satisfying.

I haven't actually played anything like this before so maybe take this with a pinch of salt, but I have some feedback :)

  • there's a LOT of information here, and the vast majority of it is displayed with text. It's a lot to take in, particularly for new players. I can't really offer many solutions here, but it's something to consider!
  • the art style is super inconsistent. There's pixel art mixed with vector art, and it's not even consistent with where each one is used. A lot of the art is genuinely gorgeous, but is most of it asset packs? It certainly feels like most of it is asset packs - and that's because of the inconsistency. 
  • I'd like to see some sort of cloud save system so I can switch between devices. This is something I can see myself playing on my phone for a bit on a long journey, then loading up in a browser on my laptop when I get home!
  • took me a few attempts to realise that when I was clicking things to level up, I was only changing distribution not the skill points themselves. That's a little bit of user error, but there's a disconnect there that I think is wholly unnecessary. It's more satisfying to click the thing and have number go up, rather than click around a bit to set the distribution and have things go up automatically.
  • menus need juice! I want things to jiggle when I click them 😂 in Unity that sort of thing is really easy

Overall, it's a really solid loop you've got here. I'm really impressed! Looking forward to seeing more 😁

The game type can be anything :)

Battle Royale

Great question! Hardcore gamer target with KBM as the input is totally fine! We are looking for fun games that run in the browser exactly as you mentioned!

You got banned from our Discord?

Great question, anytime before June 5th :)

Excited for you to grow your portfolio and skills!

Would love to have you post some of your work in our official Discord community talent forum as well :)

Join here:

Feel free to post in our talent forum on Discord as well:

Hey! Feel free to post in the talent forum on our Discord as well :)

Hi Game devs, gear up for the Indie-galactic game jam — With a cash prize pool of USD 25,000 + a shot at grants, publishing support, and promotional opportunities within our partner network and community of 1M+

You do not need to create a new game for this jam — as long as it is independently funded and has not been submitted to a previous jam or hackathon, it's fair game to submit with HYPLAY integration for player auth.

We look forward to seeing your work. Hopefully this is a fun opportunity to dust off some shelved titles, revisiting them with a new theme or vision in mind!

The theme is "GameGamify"


- Good luck :)

Keep up the good work :). Not knocking against your age or ability as a developer. Your submission is disqualified because the rules were not followed. Impressive work, and if you keep it up, you no doubt have a great future ahead. We look forward to seeing what you submit in the next jam. Feel free to jump into our Discord and ask questions about the rules to ensure your next submission won't be disqualified.

The rules and description are clear here. You even pasted the section of the rules specifying the reliance of the game on MetaFab. Appreciate your submission, but because you didn't integrate MetaFab your game is disqualified. We host jams monthly. If you would like to participate in the future we will happily review MetaFab and integration requirements.

Hi Lhur8, where is the MetaFab integration?

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

No MetaFab Integration

Hey IziGamer, you can take a read through our Unity SDK Documentation/Github here:

Hi Predsfan2, short answer is no; game templates aren't allowed.

Manually verifying you :). Feel free to jump back in the discord whenever!