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A member registered Jan 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hey, just wanted to write to hype up the project, having an ascii game on a 1bit console is dope as f*ck. Would love to see it finished and would also be more than glad to buy it in order to help indie devs a bit as well ;) 

Best wishes and keep up the cool work, just tried the demo and it's outstanding!

Damn this is looking amazing! I honestly was just about to write because I was playing the Playdate Pulp version and there's some point at which I cannot advance and out of nowhere I am seeing all of these advancements and logs and such, I am really excited now!

Congratulations and keep up the hard work, this will be a thing for sure!

Hey there, found a lil bug here

Also, check the video of the bug, so you can see it in action:

Well then, whenever you have the server/s on I'll be able to playtest the game, just tell me

Hello there, I've been hardly trying to get online, yet I haven't been able to. A message saying "loading time expired" appears everytime I try to "connect the server". Any ideas what that can be about?

Sure, I'll do, and will let you know if there are any issues, as soon as possible. Thanks!

Hey there bro, whats’up? I’ve been watching your games on and them seem to be quite nice to play.


I’m actually a QA Tester apprentice, so I was wondering, how about if I playtest your games? I don’t ask for money nor anything of value. I only do this because I really want to grow up in the industry, and hopefully become a videogame Tester someday. So, what do you think? I could playtest and report all possible bugs to you, along with images and or videos if you want.


The only small thing that I ask for, is, whenever the version is completely tested, just a small mention to me in your development log, panel, etc. What do you think?


Please let me know if you’re interested 😊 and also, let me send you one of my Bug Reports (real case), so you can see how I work. Thanks for reading, and hope to hear from you soon!


Hey there bro, whats’up? I’ve been watching your games on and them seem to be quite nice to play.


I’m actually a QA Tester apprentice, so I was wondering, how about if I playtest your games? I don’t ask for money nor anything of value. I only do this because I really want to grow up in the industry, and hopefully become a videogame Tester someday. So, what do you think? I could playtest and report all possible bugs to you, along with images and or videos if you want.


The only small thing that I ask for, is, whenever the version is completely tested, just a small mention to me in your development log, panel, etc. What do you think?


Please let me know if you’re interested 😊 and also, let me send you one of my Bug Reports (real case), so you can see how I work. Thanks for reading, and hope to hear from you soon!


 Hey there bro, whats’up? I’ve been watching your games on and them seem to be quite nice to play.


 I’m actually a QA Tester apprentice, so I was wondering, how about if I playtest your games? I don’t ask for money nor anything of value. I only do this because I really want to grow up in the industry, and hopefully become a videogame Tester someday. So, what do you think? I could playtest and report all possible bugs to you, along with images and or videos if you want.


 The only small thing that I ask for, is, whenever the version is completely tested, just a small mention to me in your development log, panel, etc. What do you think?

 Please let me know if you’re interested 😊 

Understood. Nowadays I'm having tons of work to do, I'm dealing with two jobs right now, so I odn't know If I do have any free time in order to playtest games, but I'll try to.

You're welcome. Please make sure to let me know whenever it's fixed so I can keep on with playtesting the game!

Alright dude, I found a Blocker (Crash) bug on my first gameplay. I'll let you the details below:

Game simply crashes when trying to play normally the "Story Mode Beta". I managed to find many other minor bugs, but it makes no sense reporting them now, as long as this blocker exists. 

Many translation/localization & inconsistency bugs and issues were found, but those aren't as important as this one. I'll report them later, because without the correct translation the Story can't be correctly understood. Anyways, please keep on developing, and let me know whenever this bug is corrected, so I can keep on playtesting!

PS I also attached a video in order for you to check it out better:

The crash log says the following:

Game_Character:180:in `eval': undefined method `adv_obj' for #<Game_Event:0xc68cd7c>, NoMethodError
from Game_Character:180:in `eval'
from Game_Character:180:in `process_move_command'
from Game_Character:124:in `update_routine_move'
from Game_Event:148:in `move_type_custom'
from Game_Event:92:in `update_self_movement'
from - Pearl Kernel:1771:in `update_self_movement'
from Game_Event:82:in `update_stop'
from Game_CharacterBase:279:in `update'
from - Pearl Kernel:863:in `update'
from Game_Event:302:in `update'
from -Falcao Mmorpg Alchemy:682:in `update'
from - Pearl Kernel:1685:in `update'
from - Pearl AntiLag:80:in `update'
from Game_Map:607:in `block in update_events'
from Game_Map:607:in `each_value'
from Game_Map:607:in `update_events'
from Game_Map:567:in `update'
from -Khas Awesome Light Effects:469:in `update'
from Scene_Map:62:in `update'
from -Quest:764:in `update'
from -Day night:241:in `update'
from Scene_Base:14:in `main'
from SceneManager:23:in `run'
from Main:13:in `block in <main>'

Hope it helps you!

Hey there, shall I playtest from the last version, or up from the last one?

Of course I will, thank you a lot! :)

Hey there bhimz, thanks a lot for replying. Apparently my friend has already found a composer, or some free tracks or something like that for her game, but thank you a lot for worrying about this. Wish you the best, and hope to hear from you soon!

PS: You see, many people told me about that PM chat, yet I haven't still been able to find it :c if you manage to find it please let me know! It'd be a great communication tool for this site btw

Alright, thank you a lot!

About the permission, well, I don't know. Maybe you wanted people to play your game, yet weren't interested in receiving bug reports or feedbacks... That's why I always ask for permission first, just in case someone gets angry or sth

Thanks to you for allowing me to playtest them. Please, let me know whenever I can playtest GunStreet, i'd love to playtest it since it's earliest alpha versions, up to the final one!

Hello there, would you mind if I try some game-testing with your game? It happens that I'm a novice game tester, and I'm looking for some places/games where to train my testing skills and stuff. Optionally, of course, any reported bugs will be posted or sent to you just in case you are interested in taking a look at them.
Thanks in advance!

Hello there, would you mind if I try some game-testing with your game? It happens that I'm a novice game tester, and I'm looking for some places/games where to train my testing skills and stuff. Optionally, of course, any reported bugs will be posted or sent to you just in case you are interested in taking a look at them.
Thanks in advance!

Hey there dude, what's up? Sorry for appearing after such a long time, I've been really busy with work and I hadn't been able to use the pc -almost-. Anyways, finally I managed to playtest MechTek v1.0.3, and I must say that no bugs were found at all. There might be a few smaller issues, but their priority by route and percentage of reproduction are so small that it aint even worth revising 'em. Remember there's the overlapping bug in the main menu, which hasn't still been verified since the v1.0.2, but again, I'd also consider it a smaller one.

The overlapping bug, just in case you want to check it out:

MechTek is a great fast-paced game, which makes you relieve some stress by crushing some bots with your fav weapons & mechas. 
It's been a pleasure for me to be able to playtest these versions for you, and please, keep in touch with me for next/upcoming versions of this game, or even new games to come out! I'll be here waiting & looking for more practises to do and participate in, so don't hesitate and let me know whenever you need me to lend you a hand!

You can also check out my profile on LinkedIn for more personal info :)

Hello there, how's it going? One question, do you know any music composer for videogames?

A friend of mine is quite into developing a game, and need a music composer. Do you happen to know any?

Hey there, I've just playtested it, and sadly found a Blocker bug. I tried to be as explicit as possible, so well I'll let you a few screenshots here, plus a Video that I uploaded to YT in order to record de bug itself, so it can be seen more clearly.

JPG Report:

Also, check out the video:

Here, inside the following brackets, I'll let you a System Log which I could capture, yet .TXT formats can't be uploaded here, so I'll just copy and paste it here:

System Log:

 [ SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Division By Zero in operator '/'.
          At: res://scenes/PEnergy.gdc:21
SCRIPT ERROR: _physics_process: Invalid get index 'MAX_HEALTH' (on base: 'null instance').
          At: res://scripts/Player.gdc:99
Failed to load "lock.cfg"
ERROR: Couldn't find the given section/key and no default was given
   At: core/io/config_file.cpp:90
ERROR: Couldn't find the given section/key and no default was given
   At: core/io/config_file.cpp:90 ]

***Of course I'm not a developer nor anything, just a novice tester, so I might be wrong, but from my POV, this bug may be due to some files missing, or corrupted data. Maybe an issue with the download pack for the ver 1.0.2 ?

Also, I found another, not so important Overlapping bug when trying to break the main menu:

Check out the video also:

Cheers, and please let me know when the Blocker is fixed, so I can keep on playtesting it!

PD: Running it as Admin doesn't change anything at all.

Hey there @minebolt, thank you a lot for the acknowledgment, it's always a pleasure for me to playtest games, specially for all those independient developers whom, I know, put a lot of effort on their games, and most of the times do everything by themselves, or with a really small team, that manage to deal with everything.

I was waiting for another version of this game to come out, and finally here it is! I'll be playing it right now, and, If you want, I could keep on reporting some bugs, If I manage to find some.

Best wishes, and please never drop developing!

Hey there, I'm really anxious about playtesting this game, but... Is it possible that the download link is broken?

Excellent :) Thank you a lot bwalter for letting me participate, I'm really grateful. Developing my skills as a tester is something that I really want to do, so I appreciate every oportunity I get! Ok then, I'll be testing your game soon!

& Some others...

There you go, some assets:

(1 edit)

You're welcome :) Thanks for consifering me for the next game!

And about that, well, I know that convincing yourself about what kind of game to develop is much more difficult than it seems. If you want maybe we can talk about that via chat or something, I've got some free time and would be glad to talk with you about that If you need a hand with that.

I'm not a developer, but If there's something I would advice, (by personal experience with many other projects in my daily life), is the following:

1- Think about something that you like, and take it as a background idea.

2- Consider what you know (about developing games), and see how you can materialize your idea with all that knowledge. Imagine the final result, how would it be? Would you like it? Would you buy that idea?

3- Take the knowledge and experience you have, and put all that into the idea. 

Basically, those steps could be applied for anything, I guess... But anyway, If you want to chat with me or something, maybe we could get to some great projects. Talk about what you like, what you don't like, what inspires you, what doesn't, what kind of games you like, which you don't , what engines you do use, what are you familiarized with the most, what you don't have any idea of, what would you like to make, what would you like to make your followers to play, etc... I'm really into long term projects, so maybe If you like, I could be the Tester for all those ideas. I'm not a developer, I insist, but I could playtest your games, in both Windows and/or Android if you perhaps want to develop an android game and make some money with the "announcement" stuff, and etc. Also, I sometimes work as a Freelance Graphic Designer. Usually 3D designs aren't designed by me, but I'm really into pixel art and stuff. I'll send you some pics of my assets, maybe you could use some or I could help you creating some textures and/or assets or whatever you want.

Just feel free to comment me :) Cheers!

Hello there, would you mind if I try some game-testing with your game? It happens that I'm a novice game tester, and I'm looking for some places/games where to train my testing skills and stuff. Optionally, of course, any reported bugs will be posted or sent to you just in case you are interested in taking a look at them.

Thanks in advance!

Hello there, would you mind if I try some game-testing with your game? It happens that I'm a novice game tester, and I'm looking for some places/games where to train my testing skills and stuff. Optionally, of course, any reported bugs will be posted or sent to you just in case you are interested in taking a look at them.

Thanks in advance!

You're welcome, it's always a pleasure for me to playtest ;) Those bugs aren't something big you know, perhaps you don't even have to fix em, but maybe those were a help for me to be able to improve a little bit my testing skills, and that's awesome for me. What is more, I must say I'm truly a bug lover.

The game was sincerely, really fun to play. As I said, simple, entertaining and somehow relaxing also. It feels great smashing some mechs after a week of hard 12 hours of work per day, and the blasting/exploding sound when an enemy Mech is wasted is really rewarding.

Thanks for letting me participate, and please keep in touch with me or at least consider me whenever you need a playtester for anything :)

Hello dude, Well, as promised, I managed to playtest MechTek (ver1.0.1) for around 2:30hs. An overall exploratory playtest was run on the game, and, must say, It's quite complete and entertaining, and no bigger Bugs were found. Yet I managed to report a few minor bugs, more in order to practise and gain experience for myself. Here I am going to share em with you, but trust me they're truly minor bugs not even one critical nor blocker. Here they go: 

I found this to be an awesome game you know, certainly entertaining, yet simple and easy to understand.

As improvements, (If you don't mind me recommend a few), it'd be interesting to:

-Add an In-game Weapon explanation popup or something. You know, just in case the game is 'randomly' found on the internet.

-Add a mech description or popup. I found that (maybe it was on purpose or maybe not), that there are 3 Mechs to choose from, being the 1st one rather swift, the second one rather tanker, and the 3rd rather hybrid, yet I had to discover it by myself while playing. It's not critical stuff, of course, but maybe it can be improved, just to add something cool to a great game. Good job, and thanks for letting me participate!

BTW, If you ever need me to playtest any other game or other versions of MechTek, please just let me know! And also, please recommend me as a Tester to any other colleagues or developers, so I can gain more experience and become a Pro Tester someday :) As well as I will recommend your game for being a great one. Thanks a lot in advance, and hope to hear from you soon!

Hey there, of course I would, I'd love to, and btw, thank you for inviting me to do so, please let me know I fou do also have any other games to review. I'll start playtesting the Extended Version of JRPG asap!