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A member registered Feb 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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I think moving only Iggy's icon would be the best & the least weird looking. I also like the idea of the animated Dice for random, it sounds a lot better!

I'm sorry If I seem like I'm bugging you alot about this game, but I just want it to be perfect & an amazing adaptation of Juztplay's original concept.

I thank you for taking my suggestion and adding a random character select in roster aswell as fixing those bugs, great work!

Luckily, this time I bring only some recommendations and only visual bugs to report, don't worry. These features could be included in 1.2.0 with the sound effects & music, or if you want to add these as a separate update, that's fine too.

Some key bindings for the main menu would probably be great, like arrow keys control what fighter you're hovered over, space selects the fighter, backspace unselects them, etc.

This is a bit of a meh suggestion, but maybe make the random character selector icon be a bit more distinct from characters who don't have a picture yet? Or possibly put it in a more unique place so it stands out more? Like I said, a very meh suggestion and very well can be discarded when every fighter has an official icon.

Noticed this when playing in Fullscreen mode, Iggy's Male icon is cut off very slightly by the black bars (example image below), even not being in Fullscreen mode, it still cuts off. Not entirely sure on how you would fix this, but it just a little something I saw when playing, that's all.

I recommended this in my first ever comment, but I'll say it again in case you forgot; The "FIGHT!" text when you start a match lasts for not even a full second, maybe making it longer would make it seem more natural? The fast transition of it is a little weird, I won't lie.

That's all I have for now, like I've said many times before and I'll say it again, sorry about all the long comments.

(1 edit)

Yes, I think those would be perfectly fine. They'll even fit into the whole "RPG" element of this "TRPG" haha

I've come once again to say that I'm happy that you're still working on this, it's quite nice to see! I also can confirm that space & Randomizing fighters can now only be done when a match is over, great work!

Again however, I do offer some bugs & recommendations for the next possible update, at your own pace of course, I don't want it seeming like I'm rushing you.

I'll do recommendations first this time: I feel like some possible music and/or sound effects would add a bit more life into the game. Although I'm not sure what type of music would fit best, it still felt like something that I should point out.

Now that Yumi is out of the roster, a "Random" Character option would be amazing, both as a button that makes the roster chart in 2 even rows again + as a way to randomize fighters without having to play a match first.

Being able to see the current version of the game at all times would be useful (mainly for the bugs I have to report), of course this would be able to be turned off in the "Options" menu I mentioned in my last comment.

Onto bugs now: Both of them have to do with the "Randomize Fighters" option you're able to do at the end of a match, first off; It seems to ignore any sort of preference of male or female. Not only that, but it's also still possible to get Yumi Yukimura as either a character or opponent.

(Screenshots below demonstrate these bugs, which is why I recommended that you could see your current version at all times so I could prove that these were in version 1.1.2)

That's all I have to say for now, sorry about the long comment again.

(1 edit)

I've been watching this Game's development and I really like it so far! It's a perfect adaptation of Juztplay's original concept. I love to see what this project turns into in just a few months!

I do however, offer some oddities and some recommendations for the next update:

Nari's Attack images (and only her attack images) have her missing her neck + she seems to enlarge a noticeable bit when she's in her attack animation, I know you're not the original artist of these images, but I still feel like I should point it out regardless.

Also, this isn't a big issue but: Maybe have it so that you can only press space to restart a match when it's over? Pressing space accidentally during a match is a small issue I have experienced.

On to recommendations: Add a Main Menu of sorts with three selectable options:

Start Button (Goes to The Character Selection)

How to Play / Rules Button (An area that explains the basic mechanics of how the Battles work 'N stuff like that, could be useful for any newcomers trying this & don't know about Juztplay's original)

Credits Button (Credits area for Juztplay + the Original owners of the OCs used in-game)

Also another small recommendation; maybe make the "Fight!" Text on the Character Selection last just a tiny bit longer? It seems a little quick to me.

That's all I have to say. Hope this helps!

(Edit: also I'm sorry that this is incredibly long)