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A member registered Dec 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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I genuinely laughed at this game. It is beautiful. You should be really proud of your work. The writing was really well done and made me feel for the characters. Very strong on theme submission

I think some of the randomly generated platforms make the jumps impassible. You might want to look at clamping the x movement based on the previously placed platform.

I can't believe I had to download almost 1/4 of a gig for this game...

Wow. Just Wow. Maybe the game mechanics need a bit of tiding up for a more clear win state but this is just an amazingly beautiful and pleasant game!

Very complicated game for a game jam! Good job getting all this working. This game really requires some sort of tutorial, I don't really get what I am supposed to do rather than just spam the "light attack". I really liked when the characters died they turned into skeletons that was cute.

A really interesting movement system. Does the amount you rotate depend on something? Sometimes it seemed like the character rotated a lot even with one click. I quite like the music and pixel art theme as well

Quite Beautiful and I liked the lighting effects. Is it possible to win? Also the light appears to be slightly off. Overall not a bad flappy bird clone.

Cool aesthetic! BUT WHY Z, X, and C!? pressing keys horizontally for vertical spacing is just needlessly complicated. It is also ridiculously difficult and I died within seconds of playing multiple times.

I really enjoyed the theme and a cool idea. Is there an indicator for health? Are the enemies just really hard to dodge or am I just bad?

It would have been nice to have the instruction on how the characters play on the screen. Having the characters swap sides was very confusing. Was this intentional?

This is an amazing game! Good Job! I love the dark theme! Only thing that was a bit confusing was when I entered the mine for the first time I assumes I needed to co back out the same way I came in. Maybe there could be a "cave in" or something to indicate that is not the correct way to go. But awesome job!

In future don't put really hard jumps right at the beginning of your game.  You might be able to do it easily but you have maybe played the game 100 times. Start off simple and ramp it up over time. Starting the game and immediately getting frustrated is not a good way to get people to play your game.

Im not sure how to play I cant even get past the first level. Do I need to fill in all the holes? Is there a way I can drag the boxes rather than just push? What is the blue alien for?

Agree with the other commentor:

1) Controls are weird and don't feel right

2) Enemies seem to slow down when they get toward the player and dont do anything when they get there



Needs to be changed from "Download" to "HTML" and it will work in browser if you also change the "DBA2.html" file to "index.html". Ask your teacher. Easy fix

Really nice game with clever puzzles! Can i suggest changing up the music a little bit? Otherwise awesome!

Beautiful game! really well done.

Beautiful game! really well done.