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A member registered Jul 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yo.. got a new version out.. :-)

Lemme know your thoguhts! 

And by the way.. thank you very much for the feedback.

I have some changes in the works, hopefully the next version makes for a more interesting experience

Hi there!
Thank you for reporting..
I'll look into it.

This is a MATE-IN-ONE spin-off. All actions require that you find a move that CHECK-MATES the enemy's King. It's a prototype and I'm looking for player feedback at the moment.  Head here to PLAY THE GAME

The main things I'm looking to answer are:

  • What were you most confused about?
  • What did you like the most?
  • What did you like the least?

Bonus question:

  • What advice/sugestion do you wanna give me?

To keep up with development, join us at:

Creature Crit community · Created a new topic Game Update

What you are seeing in this page is an old prototyoe version of the game.
Development of this game has continued. Here are a few screens of what it looks liek today:
Hope you enjoy it. 

To keep up with development news and a chance to try out our latest builds, join:

Is it supposed to look like a glitched matrix?


The concept of jumping to ever higher altitudes is interesting

(2 edits)

This is me Zen Mode.
Man.. this game is freaking GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JSBARRIOS, thank you so much for trying out the game and making that video. As a solo developer (and a new one at that) I can't say how excited I was to watch your video! The game at that stage is still very much in its early stages and there are definitely many things to be improved.

The main question I wanted to answer with this build was: Will people be able to understand the basic concepts, with zero feedback and explanation from the game?

I feel like you did understand pretty much most (if not all) of what was going on. So that makes me happy :-)

You feedback regarding the lack of strategy is on point and that is something I want to address.

That battle was meant to be a sort of tutorial introduction to the combat mechanics, so I didnt want to over complicate things, but as always it can be improved.

Thank you so much once again for playing the game and giving the feedback :-)

  1. What did you like the most about the experience
  2. What did you like the least?
  3. What were you most confused about?
  4. If this was your game, what features would you include?

This was harder than it looks.
Interesting concept man.

Good job by the way! :-) 

Duuuuude... I got the good ending.. :-D
But yo, babies? NO!

Ohhhh Jesus... You done it again!

Ohhhh... The nerve!

HAhaha but we know you aint one of those right!
You arent right?
... ... .....

" ! "


Duuuuuuuuude! Well done!

(1 edit)

You know.. I had it made.. I had it working.. but then it bugged out and I needed to submit cuz I was out of time in real life.. 
Also.. I think I didnt notice it wasnt workin once I submited.. dunno..,aybe its a webGL thing.. no long do I know.. LOL...
Maybe @ernani ( knows why?

That's why it's LEGEN-DAIRY!?!

DAMN!!!!!!!! Just got a LEGENDARY HighScore!

DAMN!!!!!!!! Just got a LEGENDARY HighScore!

So what was your high score? :-) 

Ohhh dang! Hashahhaha
Did NOT notice...

So what was your high score? :-) 

So what was your high score? :-) 

So far, this is my HighScore.. How about you guys? 

 (By the way... the HighScore voice.. LOL)

YAAY!!!!! You ROCK!

Yeah.. I'm still super new.. so I'm not 100% how's make it less jittery,,,, But I'll keep trying.. :-) 

I'll try harder next time! :-D
I wanted to experiment with mixing PacMan and Text Adventure...
So the trick was.. I wanted people to be able to read the text while being challenged with bugs chasing them... If I made it too challangin I was afraid people wouldnt read the text.. if I made it too easy.. people might've gotten bored.. 
What was your take?
Too easy? Story wasnt interesting?

Well. it's monocromatic.. ehhehehe
Just a different shade of black&white :-p
I'm so glad you liked it though.. 

Damn man.. thank you so much for the positive feedback.. makes me so happy to know it was an enjoyable experience! :-)

Thank you! =D

Woooow.. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D

Ok... i got TOTAL Zelda Vibesfrom this game.... The quality/polish was spot on! 
My main complaint is.. I want more! Come on! GIVE US MORE!!!!!!!!!
More letters.. more exploring.. more puzzles.. you have a great draft here for a real game.

Oh.. also.. music! I learned about this great site. it's where I got my music from.. you can get stuff there for free:

Ohh NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna check it!

This takes the Unique award! :-p   =D

Soo this was super fun! =D
It could easily be my favorite entry.. Was well polished and it EVEN HAD A TUTORIAL! Wow...

But everytime I got to the boss I would kill it and the game would just abruptly end...

I dont know if this is a glitch.. or the game just ended.. its a shame cuz I wanted to play MORE of it.. 

I agree with the comment about the controls.. 

The idea otherwise was fun! Once I realized I could kill the ghosts I started enjoying it!
And the Thumb.. VERY COOL! Did you make it?

Hehehe.. this was actually quite fun! =D

Good effort on your part, mate! =D

Man.. I quite liked the design.. the mood, the ghost.. 
I really wish there was a way to know where you were going though.. It felt a little too "trial-and-error"
Maybe you could've given the player a way to mark the ground or the walls.. so he would know where he has been..... and that way.. could "plan better" his escape.