I'll quit the drywall finishing job, join a Booper Bowling team and tour the World. Life is good.
Recent community posts
Maybe brain is built like old DVD, with fixed commentary tracks. This is why DVD++ is so great. I heard George Lucas is fiddling with it day in, day out. Quentin Tarantino will try to go back to his old video store job, but those jobs are being demolished by Imagination Rabbit. 'Boohoo, it's not real VHS anymore. Boohoo, it's not real DVD anymore. Where is my Teddy Chiba Bear? I feel so sad, Teddy Chiba..'
Waiddaminit! Isn't this what the Second Brain movement is foaming about. This is why one should cool cores down there in addition to up here. Sort of big/little core situation going on. Buncha performance cores and many little efficiency cores. Maybe the Zetas install GAN down there, or management engines and secure enclaves.. Back doors are wide open now, yessirree..