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M doll

The worlds FIRST interactive animated feature film. · By Imagination Rabbit

My M doll theory

A topic by Imagination Rabbit created Oct 20, 2021 Views: 921 Replies: 41
Viewing posts 1 to 13

I think like the director just like did a lot of drugs and like the film doesn't mean anything at all maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

Or possibly its also...aliens.... X anon predicted this... also the film is literally a Nazi and didn't even wear a mask. It should be banned.


I heard the CIA made this to get people to join Tiktok because like China took over the CIA.

Wot? I heard Tiktok made this to get CIA to join China to take over people.


Also Toktik is the secret DARPA project funded by the CIA to people the take over of phones by holding them upside down.

Are you saying Deepak CHOPRA is misusing public research funding by recommending turning the ego upside down to confuse compromised gyros? Interesting point.


Yes, his name actually refers to DEEP learning packed torrent scene releases of chopped and screwed mixtapes created by.....THE CIA.

Did you know CIA demogroup got big on the Amiga demoscene because they created the CIA chip? Control the platform, control the scene. Drunken Funlander lamers got wrecked maaaan. 


I heard the CIA made Bitcoin and then the GRU made Ethereum and since this film has an NFT this film was made by the Illuminati because triangles, confirmed.

GPU and GRU are both filled with triangles. CIA is filled with pentagons.


I did not know that- things make a lot of sense now knowing they are both filled with tri's- brb going to go work out my quads in a pentagon made of n-gons with a floor covered with a fake lawn. This comment was astroturfing by someone in Maui about to go workout on astroturf.


I heard that Steam banned this because NFT's kill people and they are protecting us from jpeg's with sharp corners because they care about us so much.


So my theory is that M doll means buy M doll coin- %67678999 gains since yesterday. Amazing growth! Join the team, to tha MOON, TO MARZ! Faster, cheaper and betterer than Ethereum.

I heard Charles Hoskinson said your statement is not formally verifiable through rigorous science of functional programming, but he bought BILLION HUNDRED M DOLL COIN anyway.


Yes Charles is pumping our bags until they achieve liftoff to Pluto and beyond IF we can achieve more than 2 transactions per year on our sneakernet based blockchain made of actual wooden blocks.

Charles is always making frustrated video comments about false information, but take a look at his hands, always under the table. I bet he is pumping our bags full right there, and touching his prototype wooden blocks every now and then.


I heard this was made in Gmod and like I could do this too in Gmod if I had a 3090 but I only have a 3080 so its unpossible for me. Back to spending 5000 hours playing games on Steam now.

I heard this was made in overclocked Raspberry Pi 4 connected to hacked Wolfram Alpha servers. Back to spending 6000 hours playing Japanese bullet hell emulations.


I heard this was made in an underclocked human plasma cooled Ti85 calculator running an early version of Roblox moviemaker.

I tried Alien plasma once on my Raspberry PI, but I got abducted. Greetings from Andromeda galaxy!


Ah, abductions only happen when your cooling is not right. What you need to do is haul up a few cows and run your cooling cables through cored out rectum cores- that's how we Zeta Reticulans do it.

(1 edit)

Waiddaminit! Isn't this what the Second Brain movement is foaming about. This is why one should cool cores down there in addition to up here. Sort of big/little core situation going on. Buncha performance cores and many little efficiency cores. Maybe the Zetas install GAN down there, or management engines and secure enclaves.. Back doors are wide open now, yessirree..

Developer (1 edit)

I heard that this is the game that saM hyDe Over Time has been working on secretly. He just cuts height like Shane Carwin when he's pretending to be the guy with the hat. NOT the youtube channel called the guy with the hat because why would I waste my time watching a do nothing person doing commentary?

Maybe brain is built like old DVD, with fixed commentary tracks. This is why DVD++ is so great. I heard George Lucas is fiddling with it day in, day out. Quentin Tarantino will try to go back to his old video store job, but those jobs are being demolished by Imagination Rabbit. 'Boohoo, it's not real VHS anymore. Boohoo, it's not real DVD anymore. Where is my Teddy Chiba Bear? I feel so sad, Teddy Chiba..'


I heard that the original M doll is a voodoo type doll dropped into the gutter by a UFO so that weird guy would find it and make mind control movies so we all want to eat ice cream made by reptilian aliens so that we get diabetes because they like eating people with diabetes because they taste better when they are eaten by reptilian aliens.

This might be parallel universe id: Nu7sD3rp

We are in universe id: Z0mgB4llZ. 

Where the toys are actually are alive like in toy story and Weird man is the only one that caught them so far and the doll and him are the actual movie studio.

I heard somewhere every human being is a parallel universe inside a movie studio. This is why high resolution back projection matters. If back projection is bad, we feel sad both inside and outside.

Developer (1 edit)

I heard that is movie was made by a GAN- they just like trained it with a bunch of hentai and weird movies and then it made this. Its not monetized because legally GAN's can't sell their creations yet because Elon Musk doesn't like Bitcoin.


This reminds me of Tim Burton.

I heard Tim Burton plans buying the NFT and calling it 'Tim Burton's M Doll NFT'


We need to pass this on to his agent.

Remember to call the agent 'Tim Burton's Agent' in his presence. I mean, 'Tim Burton's Presence'. Sorry Tim!


I'm disappointed that the person  that made this uses spreadsheets. I watched a yt video that said spreadsheets are bad and also saw a yahoo news article about how they are bad and also cnn said they are bad. So I will  not be watching this.

It is true that spreadsheets have sharp corners, but latest Mac and Win has fixed this in latest Human Design guideline recommendations. While waiting for developers to catch up, wear medieval armor and use genuine Japanese pine abacus.


While waiting for the developers I drink Korean PINE needle tea to protect me from American football spike proteins that cause brain damage like American football helmet collisions in the rigid body simulation called life 0.1.1a ALPHA

I drink only ORGANIC, carefully harvested Japanese pine needle tea served in Lonely Bar at Tokyo Golden Gai, looking at the full moon reflected from skyscraper windows. This is a secret recipe protected by ancient patents.


I will NOT be watching this because the person that made it has opinions that I've been told are bad. I've also been told that the opinions in this film that doesn't even have words are bad, I think they called it "hate pantomime" in the tweet I saw about it. I will not be watching this movie filled with HATE PANTOMIME! HATE PANTOMIME IS VIOLENT ANIMATION!

I don't like VIOLENT PANTONE either. Only give a child an edible white Crayon and a black Crayon.


WAit no?! Its violent pantomime NOT PANTONE! But now that you mention the color swatches used in this film are also VIOLENCE



Hmmm so you mean a cloth simulation gone wrong? Point cached pants cloth animation simulated alone without legs? Pantsmime? Another new thing I need to be afraid of...thank you- I have another reason to not leave my designed personal bubble hovel living space.

Can you hear that? Pantsmime hooligans are singing.

'..Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone'

I have watched the movie a lot of times and the only theory I can come up is that the ballons represent the path of the soul. The moon the reconnection of nature and dreams. The antennas represent mind control and the clown mickey mouse man weirdo represent the soul eater and Delay Lama VST.