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A member registered Aug 12, 2021

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btw who is who? is the guy in green the MC?

just let us know when it is released

I love this game and I replaying it again and it just hit me now... If MC's house is without power, how does the doorbell works? :P

Am I the only one who feels sorry for Valentin?

do they all have same height and physique? at the moment it looks like

still even if I try to use now it will just return to on. BTW the last option to ask Rick is not working... also, Are  they all the same size?

Should the nsfw on or off to see the good stuff?

It would be if MC had some kind of injury and it scars (heal) over time

I want to play it!!!! now!!!!

I am having fun, but we shouldn't know who is who from this page

The game has an amazing vib. However it is unvair that MC does not spend alone time with Elio as they did with the other two. Why Cam and Deja is not a date option? They are also great and also take the impression that it is just a otome game open for lgbtq people as well.

BTW... when Rufus talk to us on the day next to the party, he mentions Dylan, Gordon and Corbin and Nathan seem to know all the 3 even though he only interacted with one of them... perhaps you could mentioned at some point of the part that Nathan briefly met the other 2 who the player didn't choose. How else would he know the 3 of them?

good lucky then!

Is there a date for the next update?

oi, quando vc tenta minimizar o texto para ver o ambiente não consigo trazer o texto de volta... 

I love him too

hi, love this story, but in all the 3 games you guys could implement a galery of pics with the images like tristan kissing alex on chapter 1, harry red ass on chapter 2 or hans skiing on chapter 3... I am not sure if I collect all of them nor have where to look for them.

Great game,


omg I suffered to pass that part but eventually did it. What I recomend you is to separate in two parts... first interact with Hans and Goran... keep playing randomly with Ranley... until Hans appears after they take Ranley away to mention that he liked what he saw... then you only plays the Ranley part until he interacts more with you... it is still a lot of work to be done since we know very little about them.

Love this game, but it just came to me that you need to give the other humans some kind of energy or I will think that mother and kimura are faries...

this was a nice story, just had difficult do distinguish when Haruto was thinking ou saying... but it is still great and you should consider actually making a game about it! Good lucky on the May Wolf 2024!

Ryona says that in the first chapter that she took care of MC's head injury... unless they have some new technology... MC's hair was shaven to treat correctly the injuries ^__^.... Did I kill people's expetations to their characther look? I am sure there are amazing wigs and new techs for patients in this case that can be used...

Andromeda Six community · Created a new topic MC is Bald

It just occurred to me that due to their head injury, MC hair was shaven so Ryona could attend the wounds... At least a big part of the head was... Does it  procceed?

I am! The sound is so immersive!

Just want to congratulate you!!!! I will play now!!!

is this a linear VN? 

the photo looking to the sky is beautiful, but, MC was wearing heavy boots, so those step marks are wront.

cool! I am already wainting for the next update

great! let me know whent it is there

are you going to put it on steam?

congratulations!!! I am looking foward to play it!

love them all!!! love this story!!!

is this a game with choices or a linear virtual novel?

I play on stem 'cause there I buy in my local currence, but I do love this story, you guys should expand this universe... btw, you can add small stories on your games so the days do not pass so fast. Like side stories for instance.

just played both, really like both game, and played with points with Ace and realized how bad I acted with one of my fav characters lol.... I am just waiting to play the continuation of the new version which seemed much more improved

congratulation for all this effort!

I am looking foward for this incredible effort's result

but will you play both, I saw both ends but will keep only the one I choose first which is the one he almost shoot my head.

Which end did you get? I got the bad one but decided to keep it. I think Sultan repressed his feelings for too long that he probably wouldn't allow himself to kiss

he needs any kind of action as soon as possible lol

All I do is making MC getting screwed... in the bad sense