I'm amazed at the title and level designs! I'm not good at making maps but I will keep trying to make them better. I also like the theme of the game. The alot of the assets are unique! I cannot create my own assets I can only buy them or download for free hahaha. Also thank you for reviewing my game and being thorough with your review, it helped me with in deciding on how to proceed with my game.
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Hi! I finally had the time to check out your game too. I like the maps and art of your game. Is this a different rpgmaker than mz? I havent seen these assets in mz and they look really good. The music and story is great. I like retro games so story is much more important for me and I enjoyed. Btw I really just want to thank you too for reviewing my game!
thank you for taking the time to check the game. I will work on the dungeons since you are right now that I think about it, they are really bare bones haha. I really wanted to join the jam so I made the game in a few weeks time so I can see what people thought about the game and how to improve. I'm checking the other games for now to see how to improve too. I was really confused using rpgmaker at first but I followed youtube guides to make it easier and I love it. thanks again for your remarks!