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A member registered Aug 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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You know whats funny, I was planning on making a game for this jam and came up with almost the exact same idea as you did for your game.

I know I'm late to the party but I'm also 17 and have been using it for around 2 years.

I'll rate yours if you rate mine

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Thank you for the feedback.

This kind of a reminds me of doodle god in a way, anyways pretty fun game. Some more levels would've been nice.

Here's my game:

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I'm honestly surprised not many people have played this game.

The corny dad jokes make this game even better

It also would've been nice to know beforehand that you could triple jump. It took me a while to figure that one out.

Thanks :)

Thanks a lot. I was confused on what happened.

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It was nice game. The one thing I didn't like was the fact that your health would go down every time you shot.

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I really like the design for this game. I would like to add however I managed to get put in soft lock mode right here and was forced to restart.

I absolutely love this game. I really like the easter eggs you can find. This looks like it could be part of a game where your trying to screw off at work. Tetris didn't work for me though.

(1 edit)

Pretty decent platform game. I like the concept that one of the items is real and the other is null. The background music does get irritating as it's just 4 notes repeating. But still good job. Check out my game if you want. And in case the text is too big use this link

I was gonna plan to add that into the game, but I removed it because I thought people would get too frustrated. Thanks for the feedback anyways and I'll be sure too play your game.

(4 edits)

Honestly the game looks really well polished and honestly, the concept is probably the most creative out of this entire jam. I think the main problem is it's not easy to know what you're supposed to do. Some music and audio would've also been nice.

Cool game, I like the fact that when your in different worlds, there are different ways the camera functions. One thing I don't like is that the transition looks really slow and laggy (at least for me). It would also be nice if you could skip all the dialogue, but I understand why you have to slow it down.

Will do.
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Here's mine

And for some reason the text is too big for some people so here's the link if that happens

And on the top of that, why don't all the people who gave the links to their games rate one another.

Here's mine

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I couldn't buy any upgrades.

Uhh I think you put up the wrong download for mac users.

It seems like one of those games that could be a mobile, it just needs a little polish

In case you find me here's my game:

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(1 edit)

Honestly the game was really fun. I do wish the game lasted a little longer though.

Really well done game. The concept is a little basic, but other than that nothing else to really say here.

Here's mine:

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Well the levels were loosely based off give up.

Thanks for the feedback I'll be sure to rate your game.