If you rate my game https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-7/rate/1419902
I will rate yours! My game is in browser so if you cannot play downloadable games that is ok!
Good luck and have fun!
If you rate my game https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-7/rate/1419902
I will rate yours! My game is in browser so if you cannot play downloadable games that is ok!
Good luck and have fun!
Here you go - thanks! https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-7/rate/1418874
I alredy rate yours, here the mine. I hope you enjoy it!
Here's my game where the ghosts you see may not always be real! I'll check out your games too!
Here's mine https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-7/rate/1419437
The text might be too big for you so in case that happens use this link https://idontknowidontcare.itch.io/test2
Hey there, I'm playing yours right now!
Rate Unreal Vicinity by Len Underbrink Devs. for Brackeys Game Jam 2022.1 - itch.io
Hi, I would appreciate some feedback and rating on mine too:
And of course I'll rate yours if you leave a comment, thanks! :)
The theme was It's not real, so naturally, I made a game based on minesweeper combined with turn-based battling with vegetable snail hybrids. As I said, naturally. Play it HERE
The story of the game is that your garden is infested wit vegetable snail hybrids (it makes more sense in-game). Some of your crops are real, and some of them are not real. The game is played like minesweeper but the mines are the vegetable snail hybrids, every time you find a one of this critters, you battle with it. Precise Instructions are In-Game.
Here are some screenshot of the game:
Good Luck!
Played and rated your game. Here's ours: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-7/rate/1419471