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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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Hey thank you so much for releasing this! Really helps figure out how to make Godot look nice :)

Honest reply, Minecraft's cube grid system and aesthetic has it appeal the same way as square grid systems do (e.g. Dwarf Fortress, Stardew Valley, RPG Maker). There is very little real competition for Minecraft in this regard, as most games don't dare competing with literally one of the biggest games ever. In turn, Minecraft has lots of untapped potential itself.

Here's someone saying "I bet I could do better" and just trying their best and making a damn fine product. I too wish the game would look a little cuter, but making game art decisions like these is not as easy as it sounds.

Soon all words in all dictionaries will have trademarks huh

This time I'm coming to you with a recommendation of my own.

Have you played Stories Untold? The recent announcement of Silent Hill Townfall from team No Code reminded me of Stories Untold, a game they made some years ago.

I haven't played their other game, Observation, yet, but Stories Untold is very much in the vein of the games we've been discussing, and it is pretty good I would say.

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Hi again! I tried both of those recommendations and I just wanted to say you definitely outdid them

For Location Withheld I made the error of playing the demake. While it certainly has a little more charm, it definitely lost appeal in the transformation, as there's less interaction with the environment.

As for Dead Letter Dept, it was more of a job than a game, lol. It kinda dragged on too long doing that dull chore, even for a demo.

I also played the 2000 Navidson lane and it really got me at the end...

I really found nothing like The Gladdening Chamber where you have to parse through lots of information and filter the clues to find a solution. I guess I'll keep looking :)

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Ok, I finally played it and finished it, and it was really good! I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, particularly reading all the horror stories scattered throughout.

The puzzles were pretty difficult, good thing the subreddit was there, otherwise I don't think I could have done it... even though I played it with 2 other people. Still it was fun and it reminded me of when I used to play notpron.

My only gripe is that I replayed the loop too many times, to the point I wished there was a skip cutscene/fast forward/day select button.

Oh, and it would also been cool if the whole game could be played with only the mouse. As the only keyboard button needed is the ALT key, maybe if it was mapped to the middle click, it could have been a little smoother and also more accessible for some people.

Anyway, I'm going to recommend this for sure, and probably check out your other games too. I'm surprised it's not more popular. I don't even know where I heard about it.

Oh, good to know then! The scare wasn't that bad, but it's the expectation of more LOUD jumpscares that really made it too stressful to play through. I had no way of knowing if I'd be pulled from the computer with a FNAF style jumpscare or not, lol. Thanks for the response, I'll definitely check it out more later!

Would love to play through this, but the initial jumpscare just turned me off. I wish I could watch someone else play it but, perplexingly, there is not a single playthrough on youtube.

How many jumpscares are there?

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I played on the newest build (0.1.2) and got stuck at the tutorial.

Apparently I set course for the planet the wrong way, and the game didn't register I was already there (I think I was a little off to the side of it). Note: I could control the ship during the travel, but there was no point to the minigame, there were no asteroids to avoid or anything.

I realigned myself and sailed towards it, and then the message of "Course to planet ZAG set" popped up, even though I was pretty much there already.

Then I got the calls on the Comms, and got the message that I was in orbit... and after listening to both messages, I tried to go down only to find out I was not able to. The ship sailed past the planet, and was still sailing towards the emptiness of space.

I tried to realign once again, but this time, since I had already gotten the "in orbit" message, the game wouldn't allow me to use the System Map... Nor could I get down through the cargo lift... So that was the end of my beta testing for now.

I really enjoyed what little I saw, and enjoy pretty much all of the weekly content you make, especially the dev diaries, there's some really good and ingenious insight in those. Happy holidays and new year!