You've been modifying the original Duelists of the Roses? That's definitely interesting, I'd love to chat about that. Feel free to add me on Discord Axiom#6863
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Just fixed this bug!
New version is available to rectify the issues.
That is exactly why I started architecting the "campaign maps" system the way I did. Essentially campaign maps are going to have the ability to be represented with packs and eventually, custom campaign packs will be a thing. By the time the remake is "done" I'd like to include the two standard campaigns (red rose/white rose) and then an expanded campaign of sorts.
I post fairly frequent updates on my YouTube channel. I have talked about starting a Discord once the game is at a more stable point and netplay is functional. That time is coming soon!
Thanks mate.
I'd like to experiment with interjecting cards in. Normal monsters would be easy, effect monsters would be interesting. I plotted about 20 -25 classes needed (with testing, and lots of configuration options. of course with inheritance too) so I would have to abstract that. Not too bad though just a matter of well documenting things.
It may be more fun to open up the modding portion first before I add the rest of the cards.
Linux coming as soon as I drag an old desktop out..... I dont daily drive Linux but still appreciate the platform. VMs wont let me open Blender or Unity unfortunately.
Most of the additions are in the engine switch.
By using Unity, I was able to target higher resolutions (I currently test at 2560x1440) and still hit 60fps. Then of course I added some post processing. At this point, I'm just trying to get it equivalent with the PS2 version. The infrastructure is there to add more cards. I could open it up to modders.
I'm not relying on any exotic libraries at all, a Linux port would just be a matter of me setting up a Linux install and testing it.