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A member registered Mar 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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It's not currently supported because I don't have a setup to test it and Mac support was sort of poor in the engine at the time. It'd still be a fair chunk of work to get a Mac test setup + add Mac as a build target, but it's something I want to do eventually and it's more possible now than it used to be.

That was enough to reproduce it. I managed to get it to happen by spamming right click while holding spacebar in the shop. The root cause was improper handling of surface deletion (i.e. the info window) when it happened in the same frame the surface was created. I've uploaded a fix.

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I only became aware of the '02 game after releasing this. So, there's no direct influence though they're both obviously influenced by the same source material. My choice of name was just a combination of an homage to Rogue and the nature of the game's premise. The '02 game is probably named Decker for the same reasons. If I had been aware of the earlier game by the same name when making this I almost certainly would have chosen a different name.

There's a reasonable chance I'll be renaming it for that reason, though I at least want to wait until 7DRL judging concludes because I'm concerned it'll cause confusion if I change the name while that is ongoing.

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Glad you had fun with it! Ping+Transpose is one of the combos I specifically wanted to enable. That's part of the reason that targeting in this game doesn't use line of sight. That's a huge shame about the freeze. If you had Ping+Transpose and were seeing Misdirection show up in the shop, you had quite a good run going with a decent chance of winning.

There seems to be some lingering crash bug that I haven't manged to reproduce locally. FYI, if you end up playing again and run into a freeze, your browser's developer console should contain an error message that would be very helpful for me. I've received a few reports of freezes but I frustratingly haven't managed to reproduce them myself.

Just to get as much detail as I can: did your freeze occur before or after the inspection window appeared and did you inspect via shift-left click or via right click?

Did you try using ']' to cycle to larger fonts? I recently updated it with multiple font support and both a 24x24 and 32x32 font. The 32x32 I've tested on a Mac retina display with success, so be sure to try double tapping ']' to switch to it. It should result in a 3200x1792 area.

I can try to make it a bit more prominent in the description that this option exists. In a future update I'll see about auto-detecting an optimal font size instead of defaulting to 16x16.

(3 edits)

There's a pretty thorough explanation of mechanics and controls in the F1 menu, if you haven't seen it.

I'm gonna upload a screenshot of it to make it more obvious that it exists + make it readable directly on the itch page.

The goal at the moment is a typical roguelike goal of getting through a number floors. To advance to the next level you press '>' (aka shift+period) while standing on top of the connection to the next level (indicated with '>').

I'm hoping to make it a bit less simple in a bit here. I had to engage in some vicious scope-cutting to make a complete game by the end of the jam.

As for downloading, I think you should be able to download the web version from itch? This is my first time hosting something here. There's also a Linux build of the game I could potentially upload. I can get it working on Windows+Mac as well with a little effort, but I'd need to spend time on it as well as set up a test install since I don't currently have a Windows machine around.

This is great, the mechanics mesh together perfectly. Also, I'm completely terrible at it.