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A member registered Apr 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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I think that might be a dom/verse top exclusive thing. What role and position did you pick?

Yeah, it's better to fight Bradley for last before fighting the warlord. Bradley's pretty tough. Make sure to also get a bunch of pills, those will help you immensely. 

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I'm not sure if you got it by now but The hint for it in game is really sneaky.

Basically you need to do  everything on the ride to Munbury trip, protect him at least once, then have sex with him no more than 2 (TOO) times. I would've never gotten it myself without help from here lol. You also need to give him 5  'something' stones (I forgot what they were called) when asked. At least that's what I did.

You can't encounter/find him after you infect him right now.

What level are you and what gear do you have on? 

You probably are figured them out by now but the achievement and perk are  gained by getting 15 nyx parasites, the sex scenes are from the lost prisoner, Drenth, the naga when doing the eye of the void quest, and the gloryhole interaction in the nyx dungeon.  

Ok so does anyone know a quick way to grow fast in the beginning? I know that size gives you the most ability points right now but since the size sword is glitched so I don't have any good weapons too use with it and while I do want to do muscle too, it's not gonna give me those ability points.

It gives you  a boost in xp and essence gain but other than that, nothing really.

would marry him if I had the chance. He's just so 😩

Kol's really hot. That's all I wanted to say.

I agree, taking half an hour to get one monster is way too much.

Hey, so I think I'm seeing a bug with the game. I picked only male creatures and visitors and I'm still getting female visitors. I also can't apparently research monsters. Whenever I pick a option, it keeps saying it's researching..

It's all good, I may have overreacted a bit in my post. The scene we got isn't bad though. But thanks for response.

Well there's 3 new sex scenes, a achievement, a perk, and some dialogue when you enter the golden bastion when you get infected with the Nyx parasite.

The dev posts dev notes for the game on his Patreon and you can also check release notes for public and Patreon  updates on the website here:

If your on pc just download the new version, open it up and open your save. then you can delete the old version.

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Yes but you need to get it a body, which happens later on in the story.

What is your current size right now? You may need to upgrade the limit break.

Your welcome! I look forward to the other updates.

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So I recently found this game and so far, It seems to be good. I especially like the big masked/helmet dudes. There always a rarity in bara games. I do have have some criticism though.
1. The food items seem to be weirdly balanced. I've noticed that it seems that it's more effective to buy the low cost items to raise comfort/friend/other stats so far because other ones are just too expensive or just don't raise them enough to justify buying them. 

2. It gets pretty tedious to give the clients gifts over and over again when you have so much. I kind of wish there was a simple "give all" button. But maybe that might not be possible to code idk.

3. I'm not sure if it's a design choice but so far I've noticed that all of the sex scenes except one involving the mc involves the mc taking a more assertive role and the clients taking a passive role. Now if that's the choice the game wants to go with I'm okay with that but if not , it would be nice if the mc could have the choice to take a passive role maybe.

4. this isn't actually criticism it's more of a question. Would it be possible if Daltes could be possibly interacted with as the mc (and maybe a sex scene with him)? He's like very hot.

Overall, I hope this game become more popular in the future. I just wanted to share my criticisms so far.

Did you complete the Minotaur's ending yet? It will tell you the name at the end. You can also check the achievement for the name as well.

For a minute I thought you guys mean in general size. I personally don't care much for dick sizes, as long as the man behind it is big and beefy. That said, I do like getting railed by big dicks.

Are you asking for it or...?

That's fixed in 0.8.6. You can read the change log here if you want to see all the bug fixes and changes.

It's a bug, 0.8.6 fixed it.

Wait a few days after infecting him in the new area. He should join you then.

Can you give me a name?  

Ok so I'm on version 48.1 and even though I have the pre-war map I can't get to the place where access the nukes. Is this a bug or am I missing something else?

In the next update you'll be able power bottom him but if you want to suck him off now then yeah your gonna have to be his bitch.

They  give you an option to say if you want to impregnate/be impregnated by others and there's literally hakkon. It's safe to say there will be pregnancy in the game, just not right now.

did it give you an option to upgrade your save? For me I think It gave me an option to upgrade rather than restart but I could be wrong, let me check.

The quest is in wip right now so you can't finish it currently.

It's a bug, don't worry.

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Thanks for the answer, and don't worry, I understand if there's no firm answer. I have no issue if the game is paid honestly, I just wanted to know. So far, I've found the game pretty good so far, and I was especially excited too see that helmeted dude (I'm a "sucker ;)" for big dudes in helmets), you don't see those in porn games often, and especially that huge snake.

Edit: Just got through the current content, I can tell this game is gonna be great.

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There's two engines I know you can make one. This game was made with renpy but there's also twine if you want to make a solely text based game. Renpy is better if you want to make a game visual novel but I think you can use it with just text.

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I also want to ask, what can we expect from this game. Like I already know you put the kinks and feitshes your gonna put in  the description but I'm talking the specifics.
Is the game gonna be a paid game when it's completed?

Is the player gonna be top or bottom, dom or sub or just vers? I'm mainly asking because some porn games tend to favor one of the other and I just don't want to get my hopes up.

The changes to Mutant/Abomination are so good right now. Thank you for letting us choose what limbs we double.

oh I see you already know about it. I'll just wait until it's fixed.

So uh, I want to try this game but apparently it's quarantined by  

The last update was like 9 days ago, they usually come at the end of the month.