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A member registered Nov 06, 2020

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If Ari attacks you, it's because your SAN is too low.  Use the squeeze doll to bring it up.  Don't use it too much, or you'll summon Misty.

You might have to go through the date normally first.  You'll know you're on the right track if you leave the island without the Nile & Misty date.

Side note:  It won't work if you've picked up any crystals.

A few things.  The main one is that the engine changed.  I think the lead animator also changed, but don't quote me on that.

Also, "Stay calm, or very single person..."  Very should be every.

I had problems after patching the game to 0.2.3.  Had to uninstall/reinstall.

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Piggybacking off this:  I had Nile attack me using this bug (on the night with Bloodmoon Ari), and she didn't have any lines either.

Well, I'm impressed!  There's basically a whole game in this update alone.  Visuals are nice, music (well, ditties) are nice, although voices are too quiet and controls aren't tight on mouse/keyboard.  The actiony-nature of this chapter is...  Different to what I expected, both from this game, and from a Sim Brothel spiritual-successor, but I sure am having fun!  If anything, I'm a little sad that this will only be one chapter, because it won't become a game onto itself.

One thing I would defintily suggest, is not rushing players through the tutorial.  The part where you start up the drone is basically the ONLY chance you get to figure out half of the room names.  Or, if you really don't want to encourage the player to look around, you could put the room names inside of the rooms.  Otherwise, the player will basically just wind up cleaning every room at the same time, because there's no consequences if you "clean" a room that's in use.

Having phone guy explain everything a day too late is... An interesting choice.  I'm not sure if this is for realism's sake, or if you want to give players the chance to figure things out on their own, but it's a brave choice.  Is it a successful choice?  Ask someone else. 

Seems like other commentors have touched on the drone.  The only bug I've had so far is when it falls through the staircases, though it's definitely too slow on later levels.  A quick-fix could be just to put all power boxes on the first floor.

Online scoreboard when?  :D

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I dunno where typos get reported, but in Chapter 3 Prinny says "Ari's just...  not there."  She does later mention Maddie being told to do something else, but Maddie makes it clear that no-one told her that the Meet-and-Greet was happening that day.  I'm pretty sure Maddie and Ari got switched in this convo.

Typo in Chapter 2:  After Nile says "Is that so bad?" she is replied to by Maddie instead of Misty.

Pretty good guide.  I can't find a wiki, so hopefully you don't mind if I add few things:  
A.  The pattern for the breaker box can be found in the security room.
B.  Sammy the Tiger, when she gets in your face, will only leave once she gets a headache.  You can speed this up by looking around wildly.
C.  Ari the Wolf doesn't seem to actually attack the player.  The only thing she'll do is, occasionally, force open the right-hand door and begin an animation.  At the end of this animation, if player sanity is less than half, she'll kill you with the least deadly weapon in her arsenal.
D.  The giant fox will pry open a door.  Unlike Ari, she won't keep monsters at that door from killing the player.  She can be distracted with the microwave, once.  After that, uh, how current is your life insurance?

Ah, when I say "Like the heat-ball move" I really just mean "active ability."  Be it a ranged attack, a dodge (or parry) maneuver, or...  Well, you get the idea. 

There'll probably be a lot of scenes just for heat-ball alone.  I'd have to be crazy to suggest each ability add a unique scene for every enemy!

I laughed more than I should have, when heat-balled enemies squashed the bugs in their way.  Mostly because of the sound effect.

"Power bottom?"  "Too much to handle?"  "Gratitude?"  Whatever name you choose will likely be determines by what EXACTLY the skill does. 

If it, like, permanently topples an enemy, then my suggestion is "too much to handle."  And on aother note, it would be a good way to farm dom EXP without being totally broken  (not that it's hard to farm dom EXP currently by just toppling enemies).  Heck, it might even make pacifist playthroughs possible, if there were some way to also defeat bosses without violence.

Haha, I usually go by Kratochek on most websites.  But I sometimes access using public wifi and can't risk associating adult material with my default login.

I'm curious, is there a reason enemies remain after they dom the PC?

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Is there a list of fetishes you plan to include?  I'd really like to see if there's at least one straight anal or DP scene planned.

Game-wise, I'm liking it so far!  I think all my concerns have already been commented, and I can't remember them all right now anyways.  The only thing I would add is that too many of the level-up rewards are stat bonuses.  Hopefully there'll be more things like the Heat Ball move!  Maybe less powerful though.

And like everyone else, I really like the weasel x3