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A member registered Oct 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks, happy you liked it.

I would have loved to put more in but 5 days was a tight  enough deadline  just to make something that loads properly, VR is tricky.  

I'm sorry your daughter did not  find my little game fun but I am glad it has fear vibes.

The lighting  is not the final balance that I intended but, you know, game jam pressure. It's not entirely black (mostly) and if you use the flash from the gun to find your way guided by the hand prints, there is relief from the dark when you complete the objective, just stock up with the spare ammo first by loading it into the gun, ejecting and loading the next one (I meant to add more ammo by default, but, game jam time).

I'm happy  you    enjoyed it, and thanks for the notes.  The camera idea is great .

Cool, you have to teleport, it's tricky and not really worth it but thanks all the same. Did you find the easy one at the start?

You have to teleport up the stairs, it's a bit tricky and the reward is not worth it to be fair. Did you see the one at the start?

Thanks, I am glad you liked it.  Some jump scares would have been nice. As for your issues please see my response to BBIT's comments.

Sorry about the ammo, it's not a bug  though. There are 2 ammo counts, the clip count and how much is stored, you increase the stored amount by loading the found mags into the gun, it is a bit clumsy and pulling empty mags from stored is not cool. So thanks, I will improve on that system. The heads are  on the upper levels.

Hi, thanks for holding off. There are bloody hand prints on the walls   pointing in the direction you need to go. The gun emits a flash of light when fired.   The baking of the lightmaps was a bit   of a faff to get working     so I just had to publish where I had got to. Perceptually the Mobile version looks darker than the PC when I was testing with my Q2 with a link cable, but they are playable as it is not totally  blacked out. Just don't drop your gun as I haven't sorted out distance grabbing!

Cheers, thanks for the review. The gun was intended as an improvised torch / flashlight. I was going to have enemies but that got rooted out early with the rest of the scope, although nearly everything has a hit effect just for fun.

Thanks, I'm so glad you liked it, I hope it wasn't too anti climatic. I was planning on having a scary event when you find the switch but, you know, one week to complete.

Thanks for the review, I'm happy you enjoyed my little ideas. The marker suggestion is really good, thanks. Sorry about your desk I was trying to sort out distance grabbing but ran out of time.