Since there's no plans for updates or to ever touch the game again...
I could add a cheat mode but it will be PC only. The reason the RNG is whack is... because it is. Here's the math for the RNG:
int MonsterLust = Random.Range(20, 100) * Mathf.FloorToInt(floornumber);
int strengthToGain = Mathf.FloorToInt((strength / 10) * (MonsterLust / 4));
int staminaToLose = Mathf.FloorToInt(MonsterLust / 6);
int MonsterPower = Random.Range(6, 55) * Mathf.FloorToInt(floornumber);
int healthToLose = Mathf.FloorToInt(MonsterPower / 2) - (stamina * Mathf.FloorToInt(strength / 100));
int strengthToGain = Mathf.FloorToInt(MonsterPower / Random.Range(2, 8));
But despite the RNG being weird, this isn't some serious game. It's not competitive or needs strategy or whatever. Though I do agree that it's very RNG focused and that's no fun. I'll try to make it work but I am kind of sick of this project, hence the reason for no updates for like... 3-4 months when I was 90% finished with Floor 3.
Whatever it is, the next update will be my last and I'll move on to the next project. Thanks for the data and ideas though :3
I'll see what I can do. Thanks for playing the game and giving feedback! Though I have a few problems with the implementations of your requests. Since the system I have would need to be reworked as well as the code to display pictures, and denying Anubis would simply lock you out of progression. Though Build 05 is taking long enough as is. But maybe in the future. Again, thanks for playing!
Probably. I'm gonna finish the main part of the game before going into doing a female version.
The reason that updates take so long is because of the text display system and actually writing the damn thing, so a whole new gender would definitely be at the bottom of the list of things I want to add.
But it's still there... Maybe one day.