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A member registered Oct 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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It was mostly a light hearted joke, but keep at it. We all start somewhere :)

I would be happy to give feedback 👍

Hope to see more.

My thoughts;                        02/09/2019

I like this one. It is what it is. Remember when you were a kid and you balanced that ruler on your hand length-ways up? It's that, but a tree.

It's simple, easy to get the hang of but still holds a challenge, and frankly I can see people being interested in a whole game. 

It needs music, and a better reward at the end, but other than that, this is good. Could be more interesting, but could be a lot worse. 

Balance your wood simulator.


(1 edit)

My thoughts;                        02/09/2019

Okay, so the game isn't finished, and it's not amazing because of that. I won't give it much thought because I can really only rate a game with enough content. 

However, I'll be damned if I won't recommend a game in which you; 

The last man standing in the Australian defense force must fight with glory to the bitter end against the onslaught of a million of violent crocodiles with nothing but your wit, your willpower, and your 1943 Cruiser AC3 Thunderbolt anti-artillery tank. Just you, the crocs' and 29 metric tonnes of stone-cold Australian steel.

Yeah. Gameplays' alright but I'd love to be able to turn my gun the other way around to be honest.


My thoughts;                        02/09/2019

Okay, so the game isn't finished, and it's not amazing because of that. I won't give it much thought because I can really only rate a game with enough content. 

However, I'll be damned if I won't recommend a game in which you; 

The last man standing in the Australian defense force must fight with glory to the bitter end against the onslaught of a million of violent crocodiles with nothing but your wit, your willpower, and your 1943 Cruiser AC3 Thunderbolt anti-artillery tank. Just you, the crocs' and 29 metric tonnes of stone-cold Australian steel.

Yeah. Gameplays' alright but I'd love to be able to turn my gun the other way around to be honest.


My thoughts;                        02/09/2019

This is a charming little 3D platformer demo game set in a noir city environment that feels charming, aesthetically pleasing and well thought-out.  The backgrounds and levels themselves are wonderfully detailed, although the better-looking half of the game is towards the ending. The character itself; the cat seen in the promotional shots, has plenty of great animations, and moves well through the world. They went as far as to include an idling animation, and that didn't go unnoticed. 

The gameplay itself is where improvement wouldn't go amiss. The movement controls feel less like that of precise feline nature, and more like a cat on bricks of ice that might make that jump as long as you're close enough to the edge of that platform and you have a small running start first. Once you get the hang of it, the game rewards you with a rich environment of detail and atmosphere.

The light mechanics in which you must avoid the streetlamps is inventive, and I would have liked to have seen more of it, perhaps some moving lights that interacted a little more with the environment around them. The animations are fantastic. More on those in a minute.


Gameplay: While the idea of moving objects around to use to help you through the level is excellent, unfortunately it could have done with a more robust physics model. The objects are light, slippery, and bounce on contact sometimes. I have a hunch that the bouncing is to do with the character hit-box in conjunction with the weight or lack their of. 

Animations: I'd have loved to see in-between animations however for a more point-to-point look instead of a slightly choppy switch between different running modes. The animations in-game while very nice as they are; seem limited to movement speed, which is a shame. I think in order to appreciate them fully, more variety would have helped this. 

Music: Kevin Macleod. Understandable choice for legal reasons, but not too immersive. If in the possibility we see Outside 2, I'd love to see some music developed for the game, or signed on by an artist. 

Artistic Style: The style is wonderful. I want more. There are a few areas in the game in which large black backgrounds are visible and I wish I had something to look at in those areas. There was a single time in the game in which a sign went past the camera in the foreground. I enjoyed that sign. Frankly a few vines and water drips wouldn't go unnoticed in the underground section. 

A more complex addition to this section would be the scene in which a train crosses the river, and a city is seen in the background. I wish I could see that city far into the distance to put into scale the environment I was traveling in. Right now, the scene is missing some detail in that area, and makes that part of the game look like a nativity set from school. Although the water was a very nice touch. I liked that. 

Final Regards to watchers:

I am excited to see what this group of artists make next and I hope you are too. What they made here reminds me very much of a cross between a custom map from Little Big Planet and Limbo. The art style is interesting, although needs refining with more detail in areas. The controls are slightly dodgy as of right now, but frankly it's nowhere near as bad as it could be.  


Apparently, I'm not as good at basic maths as I thought I was. 

Anyway, decent little educational game with enough visual style to actually interest older kids. Perhaps the game would benefit from a faster "Keyboard mode" which would allow the user to type their answer instead of manually pressing the buttons on PC. I can see this game being used in classes; although to which age group I am not so sure of. 

As for the mobile market, this should be plenty good enough, although I am a little unsure of who the target audience actually is for the mobile aspect of this game as children and adults alike are far less likely to download a maths game willingly.

Overall, decently polished, and visually great. 

A pretty well made tennis game.  No bugs, no issues, and a decent aesthetic style. If I was into tennis, I might enjoy this more. To whichever hipster who feels like playing an obscure, but nice looking tennis game, this is the one for you. Perhaps some music wouldn't go a miss, but other than that, pretty solid.

A technical notability would be the spinning tennis field rendered in 2D or 2.5D. However it's done, it looks good anyway. I hope to see this become a fun party game.

What did I think?

First of all, the game is two hours old, so I will not be a bastard about this. I thought the game's art style is clean and simplistic, but at the same time, reminiscent of the DOS era of games giving a cozy feeling off-the-bat. I quite like this, and hope it evolves further. The music was well chosen, fit this cozy theme, and was enjoyable. The controls are easy, but bare-bones. As of now, there is no way to select multiple tiles. The creation aspect looks like it will be very fun when implemented properly with more choices later down the line. As of now, the plant creation is unfinished and does not function YET. For a demo, I already like where this is going. The game reminds me very much of "Polytopia" on iOS and Android if it had been released in 1993. This demo is unique.


  • There is currently an issue that slowly causes the framerate to drop as the game is played. It is unknown why this happens. 
  • There is no delete function for the creature creation mode. It is unknown if this has been implemented yet. 

This game is off to a good start. Keep an eye on it, because I sure will.

Windows - 64 Bit (MLBS v0.1.1) Shield system functionality blocked

Desc: When the user attempts to build a round shield with all the needed parts, it all can be put together except for the rim of which does not attach to the rest of the shield. It doesn't appear that there's a correct order for this, but I could be mistaken. 

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start MLBS Alpha v0.1.1
  • Receive an order for a Round Shield and one other weapon (In my case; A hand hammer)
  • Begin crafting said shield 
  • Place all parts together

Result: The shield cannot be fully completed, blocking the user from completing the order.

Expected Result: The parts assemble when put together or one by one, and the shield is interacted with properly by the NPC. 

Additional Information: 

Tested on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0 (17763))

AMD FX 6400 3.5GHz - DirectX 12 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980

Attached: A screenshot of the issue.