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A member registered May 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Depends how beefy PC you have. 

Control requires gtx 780 min and is great game. But Alan wake 2 requires rtx 2060 min because mesh support.

Then there is: Death Rally(free on steam but its MS-DOS era game), Max Payne, Max payne 2, Alan wake 1, Quantum Break. All of them had something pushing boundaries graphically and such. Control was massive on Ray Tracing at the time. And still is.

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Why are INSTALLS being charged fair?

1) Unity, as far as I know, doesnt contribute to server costs of devolopers or storefronts. So downloading game is not costing them. Nor is installing it. "phoning home" is cost they are making themselves, so that doesnt count either.

2) they are trying to put the fees on gamepass game installs to Microsoft instead of devs with their latest "clarification". Good luck with that. Guess who is gonna "suffer" from that? Either we get another price hike or devs get less money from gamepass deals. And for what? shareholders gettin more money?

3) Game prices are just gonna trickle upwards. Remember that 0.20c is still 1% out of 20 dollar game. Which is per machine they install it to. So potentially 2% with steamdeck and 3% if steam library share counts for example, 4% if person has laptop too etc. 

With 5 dollar game, that itch is full of, thats 4% one install, 8% two, 12% three installs. If it breaks the 200k downloads/revenue ofc.

4) Also saw tweet earlier that went basically that "imagine your game being freemium, you get to the 200k revenue. BUT your game has been downloaded something like 3 million times. We now owe Unity 20c per 2.8M installs, $560K". 

Would that happen? Would Unity forgive the bill despite agreeing to the terms? I doubt it. Either start to be more agressive with freemium games or have it free forever and dont make dime (which is totally fine)

5 star game. Amazing dialogue. Very authentic cat experience.

Also I think you need to setup tags for OS so people are able to download this from itch app.

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Love this one a lot so far. I'm usually not big on visual novels but this one felt like it captivated me from the very start. I'd write novel but others have said it better than I already ♥

One note, there was bug after (shrine) where I went into laptop and tried the slime game - but it only kept playing the animation and I couldnt get out of the screen :(

Also I noticed that in some dialogue one person referred to char as "he" and then other char referred as "she". Not sure if it was intentional or not.

Also maybe for future, the save/load feature might be good to  have bit more clear indication. Maybe I skipped the tutorial on it tho.. oops..