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A member registered Nov 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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there is no gokku, no skibidi, no even GROTTY this gmae SUXXXXX 0/91928373839 BUYERS BEWARE

For sure! Sorry that it was released in the state it was, I ended up not managing my time very well, and I ended up learning GBDK too late. The gameplay was supposed to be like Tetris, except you get a limited amount of pieces, and instead of clearing out rows, the goal is to pack the pieces as tightly as possible (before you hit the time limit).

Unfortunately, I ran out of time to add the gameplay elements, but I will likely revisit this game! Thank you for giving the game a shot! (even if it was just a graphic and a fade out animation)

(1 edit)

Sorry for the late response, I ended up putting the wrong build on the submissions page by mistake. Here is a link to the actial demo:

Sorry for the issues, and thanks for trying out the game!! (there isn't much of a game, just a graphhic and a fade animation sadly)

Thank you for the feedback! (And I am sorry for the late response) 

I will adjust the movement script, and as for the weird issue with the tree planes, I think that might be an issue with the shader I used, since the transparency is done with 'cutoff' rather than the 'transparent' mode in Unity, so I will fix that in the next update. Also I'll try and get a flashlight added as well.

I'm glad you like the game so far, and I definitely will continue working on it! I'm looking forward to trying the other submissions as well!! 

I really am enjoying this game so far! 

Just curious, will there be any updates to the game in the future? The story is really interesting so far and I can't wait to see where it goes.