Ok! Thanks for that additional info..
Very elusive bug for me. There is a lot of complexity going on when you scroll (perhaps more than necessary? oops..) So without being able to reproduce the bug I'm really at a loss..
One thing that occurred to me was that maybe it had something to do with file access permissions... but I really don't know.
And again, I'm very very pleased you find it useful!
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omg, quality feedback.......... is it christmas already?? hhhieheihi
1. This is possible! You can change the height and width of the window in the config file! Might be a bit fiddly, granted.. while you're there you probably want to increase the font sizes too.. I might consider some way to automate all this... maybe a global scaling factor..
2. The solution I came up with for recurring events is the "Bulker" companion app! You can use that to create notes for all your green square classes of the year at once!
3. 😊
4. Well that sounds bad! I can't reproduce it over here.. You mean like you were just scrolling around and then poof? Does it happen often? Any more details you can give are highly appreciated!
Very cool stuff! I'm impressed. I've also messed around with this asset pack in the past, it's wonderful.
When I finally got into my first fight I was a little bit weirded out by the way the enemy bullets moved. It's like they're following me? Not like seeking me, but like they're stuck to my frame of reference? And I found that I just ended up in situations where there was no direction I could move to dodge, which feels "unfair". Also, the threat level said 'average', and I fought off one enemy, no problem, then the squad of four, which was a bit tougher, and then immediately afterward a second squad of four showed up and sniped me. So that didn't feel like 'average' threat...
So those were my first impressions, very cool stuff overall, I followed you on here, and I will be checking back in in the future!
The other two I'm positive I've reduced pointless slowdowns significantly. TileSoup is actually the heaviest of the set. The fluid sim is pretty costly. One simple thing I can recommend is to reduce the fluid_resolution parameter in the config. Maybe increase the frame period too. frame period of 21 (~48fps) runs pretty smooth to my eyes. I had an earlier version without the fluid sim, only the noise.. maybe I'll put that back in as a mode in the config..
great looking game!
I will say I had trouble keeping track of when I had bullet, vs when I had stamina, and often would get into position to use one or the other, and then click click. Also, getting hit didn't feel very noticeable. I glanced at my health at one point and half of it was gone, and I had no idea when that happened.
Maybe my peripheral vision just sucks, but maybe It'd be nice to have little pips with this information near the character!
I like it!
One observation would be that skill checks with "equal or beat" (if I'm correct in interpreting that as "greater than or equal to") have the strange side-effect that the higher the stat, the worse the unit, which is unintuitive. That's why Fighting Fantasy -likes among others do skill checks with "roll under" stat.
If I get to put this on a table at some point, one addition I think I'd go for would be some notion of "speed" for the units, as in, how often they get to act. Also maybe some kind of flanking rule? Everybody loves flanking.
Hell yeah!!! Majorly hyped for this update!
I love to see more elemental synergies in the form of the Insight Emblems! Question: did you consider, instead of "as long as you have 1 X spell equipped", something like "For each X spell equipped", or something along those lines, to reward more specialization?
Congrats once again on the major banger you created here!
Game is gorgeous and I love the mix of mechanics.
The combat system is really rough though.. Why can you only attack from the side? Same for axing trees.. its so fiddly trying to line yourself up pixel-perfectly with the target. The controls are also unnecessarily complex: interact, pick up and drop could all be on the same key, they are contextual.
Incredible stuff.
I'm seconding the suggestion of a manual reload button, and also wanna let you know I have an issue where it buffers a bunch of inputs and then I'm stuck shooting or walking into a wall for a long time which gets me killed. Buffering inputs is good, but they need to expire after a little while and/or the queue needs to be shorter!
but yeah, big kudos!
You can go into the negative by clicking really fast on the buy buttons. Is that intentional?
The panel on the right that shows how many tappers you have takes up a lot of space unnecessarily. that info could be on the shop as well.
You don't have commas separating big numbers ( 1,000,000 instead of 1000000 ), you should! makes it easier to read.
Is there a roadmap? Where do you want to go with this game?