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A member registered Oct 23, 2016

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Youve been so busy with all the big changes in your life and working on this, but getting sick too? i hope your family are on the mend, my toddler at home tends to cycle the flu around us for a while with her sticky fingers and its hard sometimes when recovering to realise how draining it is still being unwell just because feeling a bit better usually means back to normal. i guess all this is to say i hope you are getting enough rest <3 

Congratulations! you are so beautiful, the dress makes you look like a princess <3

Beautiful, such a happy photo

Its so crazy having followed your work for so many years since TLOWO i was so blown away by your skill putting together a great narrative experience back then and am so psyched for this next game, you have worked so hard and grown so much, seeing this project in its final stages is so impressive, you should be very proud.

Truly congratulations on your engagement and upcoming marriage, i am also getting married in two weeks, i will think of you and send my wishes for your celebrations to be wonderful, and your marriage even better.

Ive been following on patreon since the demo hooked me and am now playing this first act on steam and loving the experience!
Having played so many fluffy & easy otomes a gritty, complex and often ruinous story is so thoroughly engaging, and given the complexity of the plot and characters it feels very right that its difficult if that makes sense?
All this to say if others are complaining about the difficulty please dont take it to heart! from the demo to now this project is very much everything i could have dreamed of and im so excited to fully explore the world and characters you guys are building and im sure so many of us following agree.
Thankyou for your hard work

84% is nothing to turn yor nose up at, though you may be disappointed, for such a huge project this is impressive! Congrats on your work so far!  

Be sure to take care of yourselves and loved ones in these times, its good news to hear you guys have a team that can operate more flexibly to acommodate members having a hard time, im very excited to see this project in completion but i am much happier knowing you all are not burning out forcing to meet deadlines under already stressful conditions.

As when i played the demo, it was so thoroughly inspiring to see character and world building in such a gritty harsh light, and so many who responded in the same way i did, its very clear this is fantastic work you guys are doing it will be worth whatever wait is necessary.


Not sure if its my region or what but the link leads me to an error page as follows;

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Im only 20 minutes in and just had to return to comment on how fantastic this is, im immediately smitten with the suspense and already cannot wait to explore this dark and twisted world you are creating <3

Absolutely love this, 
the gothic style, the intrigue, the range of characters and the super fleshed out lore,
however as silly as it may seem i got really hung up trying to find a translation for the elvish used in game, particularly the pet names, yet i cant seem to line the phrasing up with D&D / Tolkien dictionaries, please would you enlighten me as to the meanings? (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Im officially hooked,
Brilliant effort so far, im a huge fan of darker vns and really it was a pleasure to be so uncomfortable right off the bat, to watch as the momentary glossy vermeer of otome is ripped away to prove something more insidious- i will wait with anticipation to see this story unfold.
my sincere kudos and admiration to you all working on this, it is shaping up to be a beautiful yet harrowing experience.

Hey have you sent out keys to patreons? i cant find :(

Dandelion and amnesia are the first two that come to memory for me as well, being such huge titles at their times, i would definitely say ive played most english otomes that are out there at present so ill quickly go through my archive and come back to this comment as i feel wizard and ukyo were very similar characters.

Most recently i played through Dead Wishes by violet and it definitely deserves a mention on this topic as found it truly stunning in its method of creating a whole cast of insidious/villainous characters that still come across as human and even in some cases endearing, i think it really shows the effort they went to to ensure that the characters were well rounded despite deep and horrifying flaws.

Soulset & Second chance were also really good in their approach to the amnesia trope in which the true routes were those in which mc was involved with the villain characters forcing the reader to reconsider their actions at the very end under the light of not being the morally ambiguous character they may have seen themselves as.

Dot Kareshi bride of darkness was really lighthearted and fun, and kinda funny in that even amongst a full cast of villains there was a villain route in that one too, my favourite was probably demon king in that one though as opposed to the 'villain route' so i guess its kind-of the exception to the rule?

Also id like to mention Collarxmalice though not playable the villian was really well crafted and inserted into the plot so well that it was hard to notice them, ofc his henchmans route would have definitely qualified as a villain route and i really did enjoy his character, equally clever and broken and even upon facing betrayal its hard not to emphasise with him.

All that being said, i was the kid that liked the bad guys in the kids shows more than the good guys so its not suprising i still feel that way especially with more immersive entertainment such as vns.

My pc crashed halfway through this response and i nearly broke down OTL thankfully i was able to restore it and pick back up where i left off, i know theres probably a lot of excellent games im forgetting but those above are the ones that really stand out in my memory.

Congrats on another chapter milestone!! You must be super hyped to finally hit that home stretch now with the more fluffy fun writing, i know i am! Villain routes are often some of my favourites, so im really psyched to see what youve come up with.

Wowwww ive finally gotten through a large portion of this game and figured though not 100% complete i can finally give some feedback looking at the game as a whole.

First up, im a huuuge fan of messed up/villain routes in otomes so i knew for a long while before release i would enjoy this game, but i was still very pleasantly suprised.

The stories themselves are very immersive, to the point of it being very uncomfortable at times, leaving me awkwardly staring at the screen for long moments trying to pluck up the fortitude to continue, i really must commend your writing skills to evoke such primal responses from someone as jaded as me lol 

The characters are so well rounded, deep multi faceted flaws are complemented by relatable and even endearing traits serve to humanise them and on some instinctual level remind the reader that more often than not the scariest monsters are people themselves, and even those monsters arent completely without redeemable qualities.

Really, This is just fantastic work a thrilling roller coaster of anxiety, revulsion, desperation and a peppering of fluff and im so glad i got to experience it, also i cant recall if it was here in the comments or the dev log etc i read it about the feedback but i just wanted to let you know my favourite was absolutely Lucien as it seems his sad, desperate, manipulative charm was not as well received as was hoped.

I could honestly go on and on but this is already getting a tad long for a comment ha, none the less, thankyou, i look forward to seeing the prologues and epilogues and will definitely be looking for your works in the future!

Yayy cute puppies <3 Happy and safe holiday wishes for you all the way from australia

Thats excellent, it may sound odd but i really like the archive aspect of games in steam, like i archive my itchio/indie stuff on my drive by year but because i use steam so much its always visible and i dont forget about stuff as easily as i would when i put it on a drive, theres always the fear of losing sight of projects and people that i enjoy. Anyway yes id love a key! my email is  :)

Yessss I am so ready to play winged ones again for achievements! Will Bermuda also get a steam release? 

I just wanted to leave a comment to say, that i check in every week to read your updates and have been eager to see your next work after Nusantara, dont be disheartened! with long indie development phases its hard to maintain excitement and that i suppose can come across as lost interest but im certain the success of Nusantara will carry over into your new production, Nusantara was well written and designed and truly one of the best indie otomes of the year. As someone who closely follows otome releases, i guess i just wanted to remind you that we are all still excited to see this released, one of the other commenters mentioned how much we overlook bg art in general, and its very true, personally i feel that we only will really notice the bg art in a VN if its bad or the story is bad, as it is well, in the background, thats not to say its isnt important, rather than when done well its kinda seamless with the overall atmosphere of the story, and doesnt really clash with the impact of the sprites we are engaging with, so i guess a subdued reaction to bg art is a bit predictable even if disappointing.

Same, its a bug, the  devs are looking into it, one of them replied to a similar thread yesterday saying its a bigger issue than anticipated and theyre working on it, fingers crossed they fix it soon, im dying for an ending and dont want to risk half playing the other routes to encounter the same issue.