I just wanted to leave a comment to say, that i check in every week to read your updates and have been eager to see your next work after Nusantara, dont be disheartened! with long indie development phases its hard to maintain excitement and that i suppose can come across as lost interest but im certain the success of Nusantara will carry over into your new production, Nusantara was well written and designed and truly one of the best indie otomes of the year. As someone who closely follows otome releases, i guess i just wanted to remind you that we are all still excited to see this released, one of the other commenters mentioned how much we overlook bg art in general, and its very true, personally i feel that we only will really notice the bg art in a VN if its bad or the story is bad, as it is well, in the background, thats not to say its isnt important, rather than when done well its kinda seamless with the overall atmosphere of the story, and doesnt really clash with the impact of the sprites we are engaging with, so i guess a subdued reaction to bg art is a bit predictable even if disappointing.
Hi, InvanderZero!
Thanks for cheering me up and for the reminder! >///<
I guess it's to be expected since the script writing is longer than I thought it would be. I was a bit worried and I have my doubts --but your comment here eradicates the last thread of worry I may have! Thank you for the warm support and for reminding me that you got my back covered! :'D