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Invisible Wonder

A member registered Mar 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Actually, this might be my favorite.  There's a real Breath of the Wild dungeon vibe here.  Good job!

Arrow keys move and a/d rotate.  Watch out for the business casual creep, he'll drop you every time!

The art is on point... except for all those bell peppers.  Awesome job!

Airline luggage simulator.  I like it.


(1 edit)

Daylight Saving Time should be abolished everywhere.  You would not believe how many deaths it actually causes.  Every time it switches, car crash and medication fatalities spike.  Plus, it takes me six months to get used to it.

Omg is an hour too short!!

The art is super cute!  The overlords could use health bars, as well as a method of replenishing minions.  You should finish it in a post-compo edition.  

I took it as a totally intended Super Mario World homage!

Lizards chop down trees, samurai kill toasters, pillbugs eat gates.  Gotcha.

This game actually fits the theme the best so far, because you have to be a real bastard to your followers.  Great job!

It took a while to understand what's going on, but I enjoyed it.  It seems odd that I can project my buying power clear across the map.  It only aids in the snowball effect, so once one player starts winning, the game can pretty much be called at 60%.

I get that the title acts as minimalist instructions, but it took about three plays to figure out what was going on.  Are the big dudes are the bottom the overlords?  Or is the beacon unit?  The way the +1 point floaters where all different neons made me think the guys on the bottom where shooting at me.  The beacon's sign was a bit too small to read.  It seemed he was holding a basket instead, so I spent a few games uselessly trying to catch the gold with it. :-p

Do the big guys at the bottom have a purpose?  It'd add a little gameplay depth if they stole coins or acted as minion repulsors (creating gaps in the gold collection layer) or actually shot stun lasers upwards, but it'd have to be made clear what their function was.

I liked survival mode, once I figured how to stop giving the other team points.  A different sound when you score, versus when they score would help differentiate.  The "to 30 points" win condition is a little high unless the AI is made a bit stronger.  Good job!