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A member registered Apr 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sounds fire, i'll play it in a bit.

Been following its progress for a bit, im excited and horny.

Extremely cute CG

That CG was so cute omg

You might just be on the worst path lmao.

find a guide, Shoichi's route is COMPLETELY different depending on your decisions.

Your VN is great and beautiful looking, man.

I'm saddened to hear it's not going to continue, but also glad you're giving people a heads up.

Professor Senno is out here working on a Dead Space Marker

lashing scene?

whats that about?

Stop making shit up to stir up drama.

You should go to JAIL for lying about something so serious over internet beef, get a goddamn job, freak.

I want to FUCK that hyena.

Yes, i would like to live deliciously.

wow, cute

Very cool, beast-like pp looks great on the characters tho, the awesome artstyle makes it look really natural and cohesive.

Thatch is cute

the second one.

she probs tells him stuff about Sam, like his clients and whereabouts.

He does know about Nik, afterall.

The romance is unearned and the MC already feels intensely smitten by Loken.

It distracts from the quality of the other aspects

(A more down to earth version of my comment so that it doesnt look like im a troll)

I only said it made it worse because the romance is lackluster and unearned,

The MC seems to harbor intense feelings for Loken for no reason, when they should just bond more slowly over their experiences exploring and helping each other out. (a different approach)

Honestly. i really liked the things you listed, thats why that cliche romance plot bothered me enough to comment on it.

I have no issue with romance, i just dislike the one this novel presents for the reasons i already listed, a couple of examples of romance i like are:

Tennis Ace, the romance takes a long time to blossom, but it feels completely earned and organic.

Echo,, even though the romance kind of fails to blossom into something concrete due to character flaws and extenuating circumstances, the romance that it contains feels real and fleshed out, 

Minotaur Hotel, the romance takes a long time to actually go somewhere due to the extreme power imbalance and trauma one of the characters has gone through, but it works.


One of the ways i think the VN could have handled this better is by making the romance take a lot longer, as in, maybe we see hints of interest in the characters for the first hours, and then they get closer due to their experiences in exploring the lands and protecting the people. The way it is done in the VN just feels sudden and unearned, there is no reason for the MC to be in "love" with a wolf he just met and got arguably kidnapped by.

There is also no need to make it a mind numbingly slow romance that takes 40 years to go anywhere, im okay with relatively fast infatuation, i just dont think it was done well here due to the way the MC seems to gush over Loken in such an intense way.

It is a genuine criticism, he gets claimed as property and instantly falls in love, cant think about anything other that how hot the wolf looks and will actually get sad if left alone by his "savior" for a microsecond.

All of this only makes the VN worse, and it didnt need to be like this.

the main character is too love smitten with their kidnapper, the cliche and overbearing romance distracts from the interesting worldbuilding.


bruh this update was something alright. 😳

you can run the .exe in wine or simply run the .sh file (right click to menu or copy the .sh file to terminal)

wine is hard to control tho, running the .sh is better.

(1 edit)

Dude, even insinuating such a thing is absurd.

Tennis Ace's updates have always been punctual and impressively substantial, and Shoichi's C path is not fluff in anyway whatsoever; it's very different to the main path in interesting and messed up ways, and the new scenarios bring out never-before seen facets of our favorite characters.

Even if Tennis Ace's update pace somehow slowed to a crawl, it'd be a completely different situation than what happened to Blackgate due to the sheer magnitude of unique characters and non-interconnecting stories that the latter offered (you could date basically everyone in town)

(1 edit)

I'm a Shoichi simp, but he was being an ass this update; it's obvious that Yuuichi doesnt want to be treated like a baby and he clearly expressed it.

Being forced to accept help like that would make anyone feel inadequate.

Echo only has 1 unfinished route tho

The new mc is cute!

Shitpost, hope this is allowed.

I kinda want to see the mangled and messed up characters ngl   >:D

Good game, btw.

lmao, what an update wtf

It is a later update. As I understand it, the bj comes this update and the buttstuff in a later one; but, alas, i could be wrong (they could both be for later updates)

OMG, you guys NEED to see this:

You can simply run the .sh file in a terminal and it works perfectly, it allows save files and all that jazz; This is what I have always done for renpy novels.