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I had a blast playing this game. everything came together perfectly to give me a dopamine rush every time I got a hit on the coins. The shooting and the grabbing felt snappy and responsive. The audio matched perfectly. The scorekeeping in the game made me play it multiple times trying to improve. As for the theme, I don't think it perfectly matched the jam/trading places. but I would 100% play this game in my free time if it had more content. I also give you major props for drawing your animations, it almost has an old-school Disney animation feel.

The movement felt fairly floaty, but that could've been a design choice. there were a few sections where I wanted to have a stronger descent. when I tried playing the game on a larger screen the level title covered half my screen making me unable to play. but when I could get it working on my laptop it worked fine. the running animation was amazing, and overall, I felt complete. the backgrounds were also enjoyable but the tileset felt slightly conflicted with the other sprites in the scene. on theming, I can't say much I couldn't get past the giant boulder on level two. overall a good experience.

going into this, with the knowledge that it is a meme game, makes me comfortable playing this, I had a good laugh with the whack AI voice and steeling what I think was a Pokemon card.

The cutscenes were genuinely funny. Gameplay felt balanced enough, and fit the theme of trading places by stealing his job. The animation was smooth, and the art all matched and looked clean. Good sutff!

The first difficulty had crashed it, after playing on the harder difficulty I was able to get it running, though. The art style fit together nicely, but the boss fight itself didn't have much substance to it, I did enjoy the audio and sound effects and even the animations were nice. Getting to see the boss' skills were also cool. The animation itself was great. I hope to see the projects you make in the future!

after the boss fight is two slides of credits, weird that they flashed by, but they’re triggered by clicking to slide past, so if you were clicking for the fight then that makes sense. Gotta fix that next time! The cooldown timers were something we wanted for the game, but totally just ran out of time. Definitely gonna keep at it though!