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I had a blast playing this game. everything came together perfectly to give me a dopamine rush every time I got a hit on the coins. The shooting and the grabbing felt snappy and responsive. The audio matched perfectly. The scorekeeping in the game made me play it multiple times trying to improve. As for the theme, I don't think it perfectly matched the jam/trading places. but I would 100% play this game in my free time if it had more content. I also give you major props for drawing your animations, it almost has an old-school Disney animation feel.


i really appreciate you trying it out and i’m glad you had fun with it! i decided early on i wasn’t going to use the theme because it’s kind of an overused one tbh, it just seemed boring. i might revisit this design again in the future, a lot of ideas came up while i was working for how to expand it which feels like a good sign that i probably should. thank you for real for checking it out, this jam ended up being really small so it’s nice to get some feedback.