Well then, the platform made me buy it again, or something.
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Man, I really like this game, it's a great story with awesome characters, but the way it is now I simply cannot progress because it's far too broken. I can't even get to the new content because it crashes on every iteration of Yasuka's story.
This game is good, and I do recommend it, but just not in its current state.
Kinda just wanna get my thoughts out there. I haven't gotten too far into this game just yet, but I'm already a little put off with how no one takes anything about this murder case seriously and just how incompetent the MC is as a detective. Like, if the premise wasn't so heavy it'd probably be fine, but as it is it kinda breaks my immersion.
Alright, so I feel like I owe this game another review now that I've played it for more than about an hour or so and my last review was pretty much just me being an opinionated shite. That said I'm not sure if the devs give a piss about my opinions anymore, but maybe you, the player, will just in case you go into this game with the same mentality that I did. Please note that I have not finished the game just yet, but I'm far enough in to know this is a good game that is worth playing. I don't want to get too spoiler-y so this is going to be more of a general review than anything.
So what bothered me the most in my last review was pretty much all the cartoonish randomness that happens in the prologue. After playing the game as a whole it feels to me now like the devs were trying to fit too much backstory into as tiny a space as possibly and ended up coming out as kinda a mess. I still think that the devs assuring the player that the game gets better the longer you stick with it so much is not a good look, it doesn't inspire confidence in the game. This could be fixed with just one developer not at the beginning saying something like "Hey, we know the prologue is pretty wild, but it's designed to be that way and has no bearing on the rest of the game." That being said, you shouldn't skip out on it because their is a bit of context in it that make other scenes in the future make a bit more sense.
If you manage to endure that first 3% of the game then you'll find the next 97% is actually a very well thought out story, and the main character is a big part of that. At first I just really didn't like the MC because he seemed like a walking contradiction, but the fact of the matter is he's a fucked up dude with a fucked up life in a fucked up situation. He's still not a shining example of what makes a good MC, but he's also not designed to be. He's compassionate towards the people he cares about and has understandable, and at times enjoyable, bouts of apathy towards people that piss him off. It's actually pretty satisfying watching him turn from a sniveling little worm into someone strong and confident. He still has flaws, but it's those flaws that manage to make him seem relateable as well.
There are a few flaws in the story telling, mostly the world building in my opinion, but most of those are actually addressed in a satisfying way. Accept for the college. This isn't a thing about the devs, more of a thing in general. I get the idea well enough, you want to have the high school aesthetic but you can't actually make anyone underaged so you call it a college. It's just that I don't know about or have heard of any college that has a mandatory uniform. It's a little jarring and immersion breaking whenever I see it, but I like say, it's not the dev's fault, it's a legal thing.
One piece of advise I can give you, the player, about the game in general is that you shouldn't focus on any one girl at a time. Progression works best when you broaden your horizons, not just because things are locked off by other characters, but once the main story starts to progress it can be a little jarring when some characters that you haven't spent much time on start talking to you like you've been speaking on a regular basis. This is something I think the dev's could improve on something, but since it's more of a progression issue and not exactly a story one I wouldn't know how exactly to go about it without just making more work.
Alright, there's my new review. I haven't hit any major forks in the road yet, but I'm definitely excited to see how things go once I get there.
Also, more Officer <Your Name> content please? I dunno if there's anymore or not at this point, but I honestly thought that was an interesting development and it could go in a pretty fun direction!