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A member registered Sep 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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This was a solo project created for GMTK Game Jam.

The idea was to create a shooter where the player can't shoot. Instead the player has to rely on  AI controlled teammates (which are terrible); once they're killed the player must run to them and revive them.

That was the idea... whether or not it came to fruition is for you to decided. 

The controls are:


E (on downed ally) - REVIVE

SPACE - SPRINT (Maybe, I can't remember if I took it out or not)

Hopefully you'll enjoy playing it, just as much as I did making it - even though it is a broken mess. But what do you expect? This is my first game and I made it in 10 hours... Well, okay more like a day and a half; but without further adieu, I bid you adieu.

Interesting game! Hard to understand at first (especially when a diagonal cross man, gets switched right next to your Queen and kills her in the second round), but once I understood the concept, I enjoyed it a lot more - and won a couple of matches, just by chance? Maybe.