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A member registered Feb 28, 2023

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i hope too i rly love the game 


Thx <3 keep up the amazing work :)

What does Added new Characters to the UI mean? im completely lost XD

Chill bro

our prayers my brother/sister

Sad to see such a wonderful game getting abandoned :(

(2 edits)

rThere you go :) have a great day

on the table next to flannery just jump on the towel or climb up the thing next to the water bottle

When u complete a quest for excample lets take Flannery when u complete her quest and shrink urself go infront of her u see a white square just walk into the square and the cut scene starts if u dont know where another cutscene is just reply to me ill answer

you cant interact with them he just added them to show that they are coming in the game in the next updates

You need to open the garage door there is a shovel inside which u can only pick up if u accepted the quest before

Sry for asking what are the new rules?

i appologize for my english its not great

You need to complete the first quest from Olivia and then you have a second quest from her to buy a special crystal from her and then you will have a new quest for sonia where u simply give her the cristal and then when you walk behind the building on the left side youll see a note on 1 tree simply click it and ure done

there are holes on the map and u have to dig out 4 crystalls i am rly sry i dont remember where there are excactly but one is on the left corner in a bush right next to the pool its hard to grab

you need to find 3 batteries on is in the garage next to the towels (Left) on is on the rotom machine and one is behind the building next to some bushes u see it but need to shrink to get it

i would love to see Carmine in the game but i dont want to disturb your plans on the game its great 

on the right from the entrance there is a small hole with bars the "pills" are in there

there are 3 battereis 1 is on the rotom machine one is inside the garage next to the towels and one is behind the building behind a bush next  to the wall if you walk past it u see it but u have to shrink to get to it

First of all i absolutely love the game and i dont want to disturb u  but i waanted to let u know aboust some bugs/glitches when you do the viola scene her eyes like glitch away and theres inly a white square and second the team skull grunt is just making a t pose showen on the picture below: ps i am sry if i annoyed u after you just completed a great game) 

its not very functional 

thx i finally found the 4th crystal by the bush next to the pool i think my brain didnt realised it before 

i know one is on the rotom machine idk the name sry the other ones idk i have the same problem with olivias quest i found 2 of the crystalls but i dont know what to do