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A member registered May 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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RenPy can compile a Mac version without you needing a Mac

Due to lack of support, it's on indefinite hold :(

No. The adult elements are present in any version (and you can lock them in-game if you don't want others to see them)

 It's just that 0.01 is free. To download the latest version you can either be a patron or pay here on itch (latest is 0.03; currently on pause)

She just wants a bit more for her enjoyment, doesn't like the fact MC simply cared for his fun.

Glad you like the game! However, due to financial issue, the game is on indefinite hold :(

Yes. The free version has android up to episode 4 (although I'm not sure if that download is still available as it was several years ago...)

But you can buy thefull game - it has the android version.

Yes. The free version has android up to episode 4 (although I'm not sure if that download is still available as it was several years ago...)

But you can buy thefull game - it has the android version.

Nope, nothing. This was her first such experience. I encourage you to try the game (and check out my custom game post too ;) )

Local girl


In v0.02 I sped up those animations (check the changelog).  I think they may be a bit too fast now, but we'll see :)

Actually, beating the mushrooms is hard without a weapon. And there's an old guy who gives out advice in the village...maybe listen to every bit of advice he has

Not yet:(

You can't enter the inn at night. And when you reach closing time, you should be automatically sent out.

Can you recreate this and send a save before it happens? Also, if you can join the discord and share that there I'll be able to check it faster

For the rocks - that's not in the game yet; Should make it within two updates

Some ;)

There're some tax issues, yes, but mostly because Patrons have been supporting me and, hopefully, will continue to do so. While those who buy on itch will pay a one time fee. That's why it costs quite a bit more here

Thanks for the compliments!

The price is high because the Patrons can get it for less ($5, $10 or $30, dependent on the version). so the itch store is more expensive. However, as the game description says, become a Patron and you'll enjoy the game for far less than the itch price.

Each to their own. The description clearly says you can get it for less on our Patreon

Includes them all. Each episode is a day in the game.

In the start it was to bring more people (as it has more visibility as a new page than an update), then just sort of continued...

Yes, you'll need to downlaod Episode 7 (it contains all previous episodes).

The latest released version is Episode 7. Since new episodes contain all previous episodes you should go directly for episode 7:

And, of course, support the game on to play Episode 8

Alas no, the game became too large for my machine to handle android compiling :(

I replied to you in our discord. This is a very strange behaviour and you shouldn't be experiencing it.

Perhaps you are playing on an unsupported system? The game is only tested on desktop PC and MAC. If you are playing on a tablet or different OS we really can't test (although that shouldn't have an effect)

The only thing I can think of is that you're running the wrong file. Because every additional episode contains the whole game.

So try deleting everything from your computer except Episode 5.

Run that. It should start from the beginning but move on normally into day 2, 3, 4 and 5.

You'll need to provide more information on what exactly is happening as no such bug has been reported and Episode 5, the latest free version, hass been played by several hundred people with no issue.

I'd be glad to get you playing it but tell me on what platform you're playing, what did you download, what are you running....

Unfortunately not at the moment That's free storage for us.

If you become a Patron you can message us (through our Patreon or discord Patron channel) and we can get you another download link for the latest version.

Always get the latest episode - as it contains all the content from previous episodes.

Currently, the latest FREE episode is Episode 5:

Although I encourage you to consider becoming a Patron, supporting us and playing Episode 6.


Could you try running it on a desktop computer? Just to make sure this is tablet related.

Hi mr_gatez!

This seems like a strange error since no other reports have been received of not being able to start Episode 4.

My thoughts are that the file downloaded wrong (try to download again), or extracted wrong (please use the latest WinRAR to extract the files).

Hehe sorry it got you frustrated!

The game is purposely meant to have every choice make an impact, so if you want to discover absolutely everything it needs far far more than 6 playthroughs. However, the good thing is that each girl, by herself, isn't that hard to win over. Some are tougher of course and there are always several versions of what can happen but 2/3 playthroughs per girl should get you everything.

Explore mid 20th century Europe as an ex-OSS operative using quick wits, problem solving abilities and gritty charm to duck and weave his way between cultists, crazy Frenchmen and dangerous killers! Based on point & click classics, Trouble Hunter Chronicles revitalizes the genre for the modern era.

This 2D hand drawn point and click  adventure game will be coming out in early 2021 but the free demo is available now:

Episode 4 is free (the regular release) on our Patreon too.

It's possible the older links expired - download episode 4 as every episode contains all the previous ones. Or if the links on aren't working you can download from our Patreon

Thanks! <3

There's a spoiler free walkthrough available to Patrons but I also encourage and welcome player created guides (as they may be easier to use). I highly recommend dropping by our discord channel where you can ask for help and discuss with other players. 

The file itself is fine since it's been downloaded any played from that link a lot of times. Perhaps the download itself went wrong so try downloading again. Failing that, keep in mind you need to allow installation of this file. If you'll still have problems let us know.

Thanks! If you can put a link to our Patreon ( in your video description that'd be appreciated.

Also, there're quite a few discord communities which would appreciate your gameplay and thoughts on the game, starting from our own:

Episode 4 is out for Patrons (

It will be available for free once Episode 5 comes out for Patrons. But if you like the game I do recommend baoming a Patron as at higher tiers you will also get extra scenes and other additions.

Thanks, so glad you like it!

Do join us on our Patreon page and support to get access to the latest episode 4 with additions like the gallery :)

Thanks for the praise! It is meant for multiple playthroughs and if you visit our Patreon you can play episode 3 now.

I assume you mean the Android version? Alas yes, there is no rollback or hide dialogue option since these mostly rely on mouse or keyboard input but we are trying to find a solution for that in future episodes.

As for text input - we've not noticed such problems nor do we have a reported situation where you change the name and it stays Dave. If you could give us some more info we could do further testing but, for now, no other player or our testing group has reported such problems.

Yes, the 1st is very short and it took us an incredibly long time to finish it too - our artist was very slow.

We've rectified that since and you'll have a chance to see it in Episode 2. One Patron even says he played it for 5 hours! (I imagine that included multiple gameplays)