this is really hard 馃槶
it takes a lot of learning how to do it until it's actually playable
here's my current full room and you'll note that almost everything is prairie stars. this is my strat, to have all these shelves of prairie stars and then two nurseries and that bottom shelf to grind plants. then i throw them in my inventory and once i have 6 of every plant i'll murder all the non-window prairie stars and put my nice plants in with decorations.
it makes everything so easy! I'll give more pics when i have all my actual plants in
I put all the soda cans (opened and unopened) in the trash, cleaned all the spots, put all the tissues in the trash, the empty pizza boxes and takeout in the trash, the magazine in the bed, washed all the dishes, put all the smelly/dirty in the laundry basket and washing machine, the clean sock, pants, and shirt in the cupboard, the pizza slices in the fridge, the half-cooked chicken in the oven, there's nothing on the floor, she didn't say anything was hidden wrongly, and yet I only got a 97% with hidden items being a 28/29!?
What did i miss?
Edit: Idk what i missed but i played it again and got a 100% lol so idk
I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out the lyrics for that AMAZING theme song and this is what I got: (PuzzSoft, would you mind telling me if I got anything wrong?)
Trail mix! (With chocolate!)
It's filled with junk, and fun, you can only have one,
It's trail mix!
The perfect snack on a trail, on a saturday tale,
It's the trail mix! (With chocolate!)
If you're lost in the woods, sit back and eat the goods.
It's the trail mix!
What will you add next?
It's trail mix! (With cashews!)
It's filled with junk, and fun, you can only have one,
It's trail mix!
The perfect snack on a trail, on a saturday tale,
It's the trail mix! (With cashews!)
If you're lost in the woods, sit back and eat the goods.
It's the trail mix!
What will you add next?
Trail mix! (With raisins!)
It's filled with junk, and fun, you can only have one,
It's trail mix!
The perfect snack on a trail, on a saturday tale,
It's the trail mix! (With raisins!)
If you're lost in the woods, sit back and eat the goods.
It's the trail mix!
What will you add next?
The "on a saturday tale" part is really hard to decipher and i have no idea if that's actually what they're saying. Help?