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Thanks so much for such a great comment <3 - you made our day.

Thanks so much! Yeah, we had such a big scope and we may revisit this soon but it would require a huge rewrite since the code is so messy :P

This was pretty good! Good stuff!

Haha what a great reference! Thank you for playing <3

This was an interesting game with amazing voice acting! I like how it implements with the theme and in general, like the premise of the game!

I found it hard trying to save all the tourists so maybe you could have a level system? Lower levels have less tourists + less items to collect and it gets harder as you progress.

You're spot on! It's not a complete game as we had to cut a lot of stuff out from the original. We were wanting to have multiple animal types, multiple different types of items + a functioning hotbar/ui system :(

Thanks for playing though and thanks for the feedback!

Pretty crazy how much you got done in just a week. Love the audio / music!

Good game! You managed to get a lot done in the 7 days which you should be proud of. This game would've killed with some sick audio though!

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing and your feedback.

We wanted to think outside the box for the theme as we felt there would be a lot of games around the idea of tower defence or some weather event. It was a ploy to stick out and so the theme is somewhat of a double entendre in one game:

  1. Everything is calm as long as you're providing the right items. Animals have personalities too, and you want to make sure you don't upset them. In this game, the dogs have a very short patience meter.
  2. The storm can be seen as either the dogs losing patience or you progressing through the levels, spawning multiple dogs which in our opinion is just chaos haha!

Who am I kidding though? Themes are always down to interpretation lmao!

Not all of the art is from us, some of it was taken through asset packs so we can't take credit for that but do check out the Itch pages for the other creators that we sourced some stuff from!

The difficulty is quite high and even we struggled with it :( . And likewise, the controls are quite clunky too; don't worry, it was spotted by us but we kinda just ran out of time to do some extra polish.

Appreciate the detailed review nonetheless, I'll have a look at your game soon!

This is crazy good haha.  A very high vote from me!

Thanks a lot and don't worry! The dev team on this game struggle with level 3 too lol

This is really good. Reminds me of Celeste with the art and the wind mechanic.

Interesting game - sucks that you only had the weekend to do this but good job nonetheless!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll note all that stuff for whatever game we make next.

We had a really big scope for this. Multiple animal types, multiple different types of items etc but time got the better of us unfortunately :(

Thanks for playing!

Good stuff man. Tower defences aren't my cup of tea but I've rated it fairly! I loved the ambience and audio.

Working now! I'll give it a play.

Good game. At first, I was confused because I wasn't sure what was happening but then I read that's what you're going for.

Loved the art style and music! It was quite hard to see what I was doing so dunno if you can make that visually better while keeping the same level of disorientation.

Hey man. Getting this error when trying to run on both Firefox and Chrome: 

Aborted(Stack overflow! Stack cookie has been overwritten at 0x004a9280, expected hex dwords 0x89BACDFE and 0x2135467, but received 0xba7a606b 0xba7d6544)

See if you can fix it.

You are so right! Even we struggled but it made us laugh so we kept it lol

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing! We are talking about expanding it and working on it past the jam :)

No, totally. We had a bunch of features planned that would help aid / assist the player but we realised pretty late that we had overscoped the game sadly. I appreciate you playing!

It definitely is harsh. There were a bunch of features that we just didn't have time to add in because we had overscoped the project. A learning experience for all of us. I appreciate you playing!

I'm happy you got the reference. The way this was pitched to our team was literally "Papers Please but with robots". We are thinking about expanding it and continuing it past the jam :)