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Kanishka Maiti

A member registered Sep 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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thanks for the help

damn dead end was overlooked? please index it

Game not getting indexed in my account that is really old and has 3 active games, with 300 downloads total but my latest game is not getting indexed, please help

its my first unreal game hehe

yea, its not an original concept but i made this in just 2 days, so its a timepass project, thanks for playing btw!

thank you, always trying to be original


yea its a bug, sorry hehe

hey! thanks for playing, this is actually a more buggy version and i have updated that game since, hope you try the new one

thanks for playing, sort for the lag, do check out my other game ❤️

thank you so much for playing !!!

working on a better version rn

alright, i just thought my game was lost in queue

i have a 2 year old acc and have released and deleted games before but my newest projects arent getting indexed, both my games "The Hand" and "Dead End" dont show up on search even when i search by profile. please look into this issue (I have read the "guide on getting indexed")
