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A member registered Oct 10, 2017

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How hard is it doing both the writing and art? I’m kind of in the same position right now and I’m worrying about the time I’m spending on sprites versus how much I need to write ^^’

(2 edits)

Hello! This is Whimsy and my friend and I are making a dream project of mine called Dimlight Café (working title). It’s about a fallen star making wishes come true and spreading happiness all over Solveil City. It’s an otome where the protagonist can romance one of six dragons (humanoid dragon race) set in a super cute, quaint, and chill Café.

I’m making the sprites, writing, and programming. My friend is helping with writing.

This is where you come in! If you’re interested in helping, I need people who can draw backgrounds as I am quite terrible at them ^^’. 

Edit: We've found all our voice actors!

I've been following your updates ever since you announced the game, and I must say I'm so excited myself and for you about your progress! You're one of the most loving and devoted authors I've ever followed- sticking to your project through thick and thin. Every time I see the little snapshot of your word count increasing I get all giddy inside. You make me smile a lot and I haven't even read Bermuda yet! Just wanted to say that I love you lots and admire your work AND that I can't wait for release day.

No disrespect by the way. This is in my top 5 favorite otomes (I've played a great many of them >.>). I just have this overwhelming desire to know what exactly was meant here, or maybe I'm just dumb.

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I have clocked so many hours into this game since owning it for..... months (so long I don't honestly remember). I have played each route at least 5 times each (especially Reksa because DAMN he is a brilliant specimen ;3). HOWEVER. EACH TIME I PLAY I HAVE BUT ONE QUESTION. I have gone insane trying to piece this puzzle together, so now I am finally asking: what is supposed to be rhyming in the line spoken month 5 week 2?