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A member registered Nov 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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I was honestly going to make it into a pizza bird but I dint have the time or the energy to put the work in to make it possible. I could have made it so that it was slightly harder the higher you scored but it was great to make.

Thanks for playing and rating

I found that you could easily beat the game by spamming, my suggestion is to give a small penalty for clicking on anything other than an ingredient, so maybe you can finish the game but not have a perfect score.

The only other thing I have to say is that people who do this to pizzas IRL should be arrested

Would have been more fun if I actually had dominoes : /

The controls can be very disorienting when you start but when you get the hang of it its fun

I feel like the aspect ratio was a little overlooked, it didn't really work for being played on desktop, I can see it becoming a cross platform game though.

The art felt like it could be slightly more vibrant and it could definitely use some audio, regardless its a good game

One of the more questionable games I've ever played in my time

This game is really good for being this minimalist.

The only criticism that I have for this game is that it feels like it spends too much time on other colours.
Its probably RNG luck but It rarely switches back to black after looping through what feels like every other colour possible.

A decent platformer, the only problem is the time given, probably adding a second when additional gifts are delivered at once would give the player more time to find the extra gifts, I had a hard time looking for some of the gifts in level 2 because badly timed enemy and platform movement (Also can we talk about the fact that the enemies are Santa himself...)

You could once you have 2 fingers on the mouse at all times

Or this could just be me with my natural hand placement



Thanks, this was the idea that I had for the game Jam as soon as I saw that we had the option to go with both themes and my game was adapted to suit both

This game is really hard, while I admit the drawing mechanic is unique and interesting, it isnt reliable.

I would have better luck drawing random shapes rather than actually trying to draw spells

The cat isnt a dream, its having a fever dream

(1 edit)

I did find some bugs when I implemented that but I somehow managed to code it out, that wasn't the bug although the version that I submitted seems to have an inconsistent bug, it depends on who plays it because on my main system I had it, on my laptop I didnt.

Idk, im kinda hoping that nobody encounters it or judges it unfairly because its the least important yet "crucial" features the game needed

How did you both manage to make a game more frustrating than flappy bird?

Throwing in the green egg can easily throw off first players

I feel like this was exactly how it was meant to be designed

GG, 23 points

Done and submitted

Choose wisely

Thanks. The difficultly comes with the level progression mechanic, although I didn't want to make things too complicated with the 5th and 6th levels because players may spend alot of time trying to solve it with the number of switches involved.

The font wasn't something I put too much consideration into given the time. As for sound effects, I contemplated adding them but given that I had half an hour left, I decided to skip it.

Feels like typer-shark

If anyone remembers that game

Its pretty good.

My initial impression was this was not playable because of the original embed size, but thats fixed so ill overlook it.

The hitbox of the maze was... questionable, altough I cant blame you for not spending time making it proper.

The timer part scared me for no reason, it made me anxious wondering what would happen if it ran out, I ended up rushing for the next item before ending up back at the centre.

The concept is good, I think better visuals would bring up the appeal of the game.

A sprint feature may be game breaking but it could be added.

note to self, make a "universal" music controller and save it for game jams

Thank you.

I never anticipated the enemies to be called chickens 🤣
I had a few sprites for enemies but I had to crunch down on development because I was way behind on schedule.

As for the music, I didnt put too much thought into it because I had to add in music in the last minute, I went on the youtube music library, grabbed a track that sounded good and just put it in, I ripped the music script from Bell Peg because I wasnt about to code a new controller.
The one thing I didnt do was to turn on looping, so thats a mistake I made.

As for the philosophy, I just had the thought that nothing is something.

Gracias por los comentarios, realmente no tomé en cuenta la escala de la interfaz de usuario. De las 52 horas disponibles, solo pude dedicar alrededor de 11 horas a hacer el juego, así que no lo agregué. Este fue uno de los errores que cometí al hacer el juego.

Thanks for the feedback, I didn't really account for UI scaling. Out of the 52 hours available, I could only spend around 11 hours on making the game so I did not add it. This was one of the mistakes I made when making the game.

The game feels barebones, you had a good concept going but you dont have anything that makes the game visually look good, this may not apply to me but when I played it there was alot of lag especially when rapidly changing directions.

The game can be made better, focusing on better visuals and optimising the game can make it much more appealing and playable.

Гульня здаецца простай, у вас была добрая канцэпцыя, але ў вас няма нічога, што робіць гульню візуальна добрай, гэта можа не адносіцца да мяне, але калі я гуляў у яе, было шмат затрымкі, асабліва пры хуткай змене напрамкаў.

Гульню можна зрабіць лепшай, засяродзіўшы ўвагу на лепшых візуальных эфектах і аптымізаваўшы гульню, можна зрабіць яе значна больш прывабнай і зручнай для гульні.

El juego se siente soso, realmente no hay mucho que puedas hacer, se siente como si tuvieras que agregar enemigos a los que disparar.

¿Por que la gallina cruzo la calle?

Para conseguir los huevos.

El juego sería un buen juego de arcade rápido.

Los controles son torpes, teniendo en cuenta que tienes que soltar una tecla antes de presionar otra en lugar de presionar una tecla nueva mientras mantienes presionada otra para cambiar rápidamente de dirección.

En general, buen juego

Toast 2022 community · Created a new topic HYPED

Time to get my hands dirty with Game Development again as we come closer to Toast 2022.

Saw the notification, had to jump on it,

I have to say, the mechanic of the homing projectile was great.

The gameplay itself was nothing of my expectations...

I hope this is just a draft and not the final game


Would play again

Thanks for the feedback

I spent the least amount of time on SFX so there wasnt much variety, Ill be honest I never antcipated anybody to use a laptop so you missed out on alot of exra firepower and aiming, I wanted to implement a cooldown between waves but I never got the time to do so along with alot of other features, if I had only gotten that one extra day I could have made a more polished game.

I had sound, its just that I found there to be a lack of sfx used, maybe a music track in the background would have been nice

The game quality is questionable... Lets just say "I missed the Connections"

I honestly found it really short, there wasnt really much of a game here, the play area is beautiful as well as the character sprites, this is where the good things about the game stop.

>There should be some sort of transition when knocking on doors

(I mean I went straight up, knocked and saw nothing, looked down, saw a child and that was probably scarier than any horror game I played)

>I don't know how the Scene Transition really works but I think it can be faster.

>The game finishes really quickly, theres really not much to go, you become a messenger, play hide and seek, and you give a student a book you immediately picked up

>Lastly the game complely missed the connection, I dont see how it ties into the theme

Basically you need to try again, maybe if you put a slight bit more time on brainstorming, you may have gotten a better game or a completely new game, maybe you had a concept but the main idea wasnt realised or implemented.

ik right

I just knocked


*looks down and sees child

*heart attack

I have to say since I joined in Jammin 2020, this has to be the most polished game ive seen, the art style and music composition are good, the mechanics however are somewhat clunky, the movement is somewhat hard to control when trying to make really accurate long jumps not to mention a bug I found when jumping up walls. 

(forget Kerbal Space Program, just run up a wall for long enough and youd hit Pluto in no time)

and lastly the health system, I honestly hate having to start over (in a sense) from grazing a spike

I can see how some aspects can be fixed while not changing the experience completely.

>After maybe 2 parts the health value can be increased so you wont have to "restart" so often

>Similarly add a new attack (one that doesnt only do horizontal)

>Add a skip button to the opening cutscene

Otherwise its a good game

Thansk for the feedback

Audio in general is my weakest point, hence I never spent that much time in audio especially because it was something I left for the last day, and I realised quickly that it can get annoying fast if you focus on just the audio, I submitted with the thought "if people play the game, they may not pay too much attention to the audio"..... That never went well

As mentioned in another reply, Enemy ammo not despawning/self destructing was an issue that I never actually fixed it within the time.

Thanks for the feedback

Theres alot of things I can talk about, I will include the full story in the post mortem that will be written sometime soon but will summarise everything I need to clarify here:

>I wanted to make movement just like it would be in space, realistically its not going to be like moving on earth, every force applied will make the ship gradually drift in a specific direction

>I never actually thought of it, then again I dont really have anybody that would playtest my game at the time, I kinda assumed that everyone will think "White coloured object = Spaceship part"

>I wanted more enemy variety but never got the time to implement

>It was a problem during testing but I never really made any fix for it at the time

>It depends, I wanted separate weapons to have separate controls because I wanted to add a "weapon heat system", basically weapon get hot means cool down before being able to use again.

-Machine Guns - Right click

-Small and Medium Battery- Left click

-Large Battery - Middle Mouse click

>Its kinda my fault, the majority of the time my system volume is 10% simply because I dont want to blow my eardrums up.

Thanks for the feedback, most of the things you mentioned were actually supposed to be features but I didnt get time to implement them.

I will put the rest of the details in the post mortem I will be making but basically.

>The ship is modular but being able to pick parts would have people make the most unappealing and "unbalanced" vessel.

>I wanted to make it so that as parts are picked up, the stage gradually gets bigger/more enemies/larger hitbox

>A mechanic I wanted to implement was the ability to repair the ship, increasing health in exchange for a resource (was initially "scrap metal" but I switched to temporarily disabling the ability to fight back/ the ability to move)