Thank you!
We have noticed 2 problems that we have just fixed with the new version 0.1.3!
Thank you very much for testing our prototype and for your support!
Hi! Thank you for playing our game! We really appreciate it!
We saw the video! It was great fun to see how you react and act in the game!
If you like, we just released the ‘final version’ 0.1.2 tonight and fixed some bugs and issues that changed the game experience.
Thanks again for the video and the feedback!
Thanks for testing the build and for the feedback!
As it was an old build, many things were missing and we are now working on the feedback of the interactions (VFX and SFX).
We added a new build (0.5.1) made last week which gives an idea of the direction we intend to take with the title.
The project is a test in progress, but we hope we will be able to reach the goal or learn from our mistakes!
Thanks again!
P.s.: In the next one we will include a tutorial .-.