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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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… and I did. This is awesome!

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It looks like the V2 beta isn’t available anymore. I can only download the “Test Man”.

Looks like it is a problem with the client. I was able to download the beta via a browser. However, it looks like it is flagged as containing a virus. I’m not sure why.


Any chance we could get the PNG sprite sheets? These look awesome and I would love to see them.

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I didn’t expect to enjoy this nearly as much as I did. This gave me major Legend of Zelda for GameBoy vibes, in the best possible way. I always felt Zelda fits nicely in the Metroidvania family, and this is a good example of why. The focus is on navigation (a huge checkbox for every Metroidvania). There’s a focus on puzzling to unlock new areas instead of traversal mechanics, with is a refreshing twist on gameplay.

Love the sci-fi setting. Love the story of an otherwise normal workplace overrun with danger because somebody didn’t observe basic safety protocols. I can’t wait to put more time into this one.

This is highly polished and I am somewhat envious of the ability to put this together in a month. There’s so little to say about it because it is such a good example of a Metroidvania. I guess that would be my one criticism: it ticks all the boxes so well it lacks an identity of its own. We have large interconnected areas, traversal mechanics that unlock areas, save points, a story that unfolds in parrallel with the the player’s understanding of the environment.

Okay, one actual criticism. There’s a certain enemy that appears to be invulnerable that we see very early on. I think their dimensions would benefit from some shrinkage. Given the tight spaces and their unpredictable paths, it’s a bit too hard to avoid them in areas where they are not trying to specifically keep you away from something (like the chip in the first area).

I knew I was going to buy your bundle as soon as I saw this. River City Ransom is a forgotten classic! Open world, RPG, brawler? Yes please!

Awesome! I snatched this up as soon as I saw it was on sale. I have dumped so much time into Slipways Classic. I have been looking forward to trying this out!

Update: I tried using XMicroX and X360CE, but nothing seemed to work. 8BitDo M30, if curious.

That wasn’t the comparison I was making, but seriously. We are talking about video games. Don’t take it so seriously. Just have fun.

Chill out man.

Ansimuz’s stuff is awesome, what are you on about? You know there are more engines than just RPG Maker, right? Not everything is meant to be used in RPG Maker. You have to figure out how to use your tools yourself.

This is freaking awesome. I would love to see this developed into a more robust management/civ game. I could see ants from other, more numerous hills kicking you out of the closer resources, so you have to go farther afield and use recipes to boost your population numbers. Maybe other hazards like birds or poisoned food, etc.

How did I not know this was up for purchase? My immediate reaction? SOLD. I am happy to support the developer.


Really wish I could use my NES style gamepad, but this is ambitious and looks great. Keep at it!

Thanks! It looks like using that controller stopped the keyboard from working, too. Weird. Anyway, I hoping you reach your goals!

I’m not sure what is going wrong, but I don’t seem to be able to navigate the menu. I have an 8BitDo m30 controller, and a keyboard. Nothing seemed to work.

This is pretty nifty. The PS1-era graphics complement the gameplay nicely. They have this perfectly Silent Hilleque mood. Wishlisting now.

Pretty nifty! Major Double Dragon game boy vibes. I will be eager to see how you develop this.


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This is so simple and fun! I love it.

FYI on mobile the text is indecipherable. It looks like blocks.

Would it be possible to get a copy in epub or HTML format?

Hey this was really cool. I enjoyed seeing what somebody could do with a Wolf3D sensibilities. I have a couple items to help, but overall I am very pleased.

  1. Melee attack. I ran out of ammo at one point during my run and had to just let monsters munch on my until I died. If melee is implemented, we could use a better sign post of some sort.

  2. Better visibility in the opening level. The first level is a bit dark and drab, which is not to say it is bad by any means. Just that it hinders a player getting their bearings when they are starting out. Having either a tutorial level or another first level with better visibility would help.

  3. A quick-turn. With the way enemies frequently sneak up behind you, being able to spin on command would be useful.

I hope you keep this up @Pinkerator.

I enjoyed what you finished. This is pretty great. Detective Horse had the voice of BoJack Horseman in my head.

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That's the thing though, I think there is room for an alternative to the current corpos (4.0?). I'm thinking that there could be some kind of way to be an indie publisher and keep the vultures out by the stock type. If somebody were to sell preferred stocks (e.g. stock without voting rights) to the investors, whoever is in charge of this indie publisher effectively locks them out of this kind of crap.

Corpo 5.0

Yeah, the corpos are doing part of the job for me: they are giving developers experience and then cutting them loose. Hey laid off devs, they cut you loose. I have a different plan. Make yourself some new IP and let's publish some stuff independent of the corpo publishers. Keep the speculators out.

Microsoft gutted Tango Gameworks and everybody who works on the Evil Within and Hi-Fi Rush. I want to get some people together and publish the Malice Inside and Wi-Fi Hush. Bring us your barely-legally distinct, stylish, niche games and let's try something else. 

What with the meltdown of the gaming industry, it pains me to know there are so many talented people passionate about their projects losing their jobs. I was thinking, then, how could I go about finding people with pet projects they want to publish on Steam, but might need a bit more money for marketing or development to get their project out the door?

The idea is crowd-investing (as opposed to crowd funding) for gamers to keep talent out of the capricious hands of megacorps on a project-by-project basis. There are tons of great projects here on Itch, so I thought you guys would be able to give me some insight on how to do this.

The idea is probably way too big for me to accomplish, and probably requires way more money than I can provide myself to help even a single developer. But I wanted to throw the idea out there and see if I can find out who these teams are, and what kind of money/knowledge/etc they need.

This is awesome and zen-simple. It is like a level builder ala Minecraft! I love it!

Hello, will you make this open source and put it on GitHub? I would like to be able to fix issues and delve more into the code.

This looks awesome! Which engine did you use?

I just picked this up and played through a bit of it. On the whole, I like it. I am looking forward to loading this up on my Gameboy emulator and playing it. 

  • The art style is so very GameBoy Color, in that "Mega Man Xtreme" kind of look.
  • The music is definitely reminiscent of the Castlevanias on the original GameBoy.
  • The slide ability rocks my socks! You definitely capture many of the best aspects of platforming during that era.
  • Screen shake when you hit an enemy. This is so extremely satisfying. 

There is only one area that could use some polish, and I would very much like to see this improved.

  • Jumping doesn't feel right -- it's too fast and makes it difficult to time attacks in mid air. The character's velocity should be damped down a bit. I can never seem to jump and whip the candles up high the first time.

Glad I picked this up. Looking forward to more in the series!

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This is pretty great! I started out a bit skeptical. I'm not such a fan of the art style, but the gameplay is solid. Playing as the red sister felt a bit like a beat-em-up version of Cinder from Killer Instinct, and I loved being Cinder in Killer Instinct! I am going to try this again with my arcade stick.

Hello! These are pretty awesome! Thanks for making them available.

Do these parts have names? Many of these appear to have specialized uses that I am not aware of. Love the idea of having a weapon modding system in my game!

TLDR: If you're thinking about buying this, go for it. It is a fantastic solo developed game.

Danny, I gotta say CONGRATULATIONS. I checked this out a year ago on Android, but a bit disappointed. I discovered it here on and it AMAZING how much you have improved this game. Shut up, take my money!

Danny, I gotta say CONGRATULATIONS. I checked this out a year ago on Android, but a bit disappointed. I discovered it here on and it AMAZING how much you have improved this game. Shut up, take my money!

This is AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see more of it. 

This is an awesome art style, I love looking at this. From what I could play, the mechanics seem like hit-detection needs some work. However, optimization seems to be a major issue. Granted, I have older hardware, but this game doesn't seem like it should overtax my system. The game runs very slowly. 

I will be keeping an eye on this, and I absolutely encourage you to keep working on this novel title. Do you have a Discord server for the game?

This is a blast to play! Great job! We can really tell this is truly a fan game in the best possible way. I would love to see your take on Sonic Spinball if you ever take that on.

This game rocks! It is Bayonetta but pink -- so much Pink it may be Toxic. 

This is one of my favorites of the 12. I'm not much into Battle Royale games, but this is enthralling. I hope Yahtzee comes back to this concept and develops it after Starstruck Vagabon. I could see an enhancement where we manage sponsorships for specific players and some fan interaction that gives sponsored players buffs. 


Love these packs. What kind of licensing do these have? Could I use them in a commercial product?

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This pack is awesome! Moonlight Sonata rocks and the rest are awesome, too!