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You strip the girl by breaking special hidden bumpers. They normally need 3 to 5 hits to break. If you hold the ball still for a while you can watch them light up now and then to hint where they are located on the board.
If you meant to ask about how to unlock sexplay section; that is done by filling the heart meter to the top - which can only happen while at least the top or bottom is naked. Alternatively, you can unlock the sexplay section in the shop with coins.
Thanks for the feedback.
I'll have look at the camera issue you mention. I wanted it to feel "darker" via the "clouds", but it might be better to remove them.
There are "empty spaces" in die evolution screen which will never be usable but ye, there is still a bunch of evolutions I'm adding so that screen will have more options to unlock in future updates. If you do not see any new ones being revealed, then you have unlocked everything available atm. For each item you unlock the ones available above/below/left/right to it are revealed.
Interesting about the challenge. I was afraid i might be making it too challenging. Then again, when you have so many grabbers then no one stands a chance really. I do not really want to flood the scene with too many characters either. I'll think about this some more.
I actually had a shower in mind and certainly want to add more animations,
As for different characters. At the moment I am looking to at least do different breast sizes and perhaps skin colours but not sure if complete body shapes will change. Will see what can be done.
Ah.. probably a little bug. Does not matter much ;)
Yes, the game is on Steam
The demo version of the game is limited to five lockers, one animation set and three infection types and their related upgrades.
Thus, the closet, elevators, and other are sealed in the demo. You are not seeing all animations available in the locker either. You also do not get access to unlocking infections like the auto grabbing tentacles and other tentacle types.
Been thinking about starting a server. Problem is that important messages, especially ones like suggestions/ideas can get hidden when there is too much activity.
There is a forum. You could use this for now until I get around to the idea of a discord server.
I had a look at the auto-decrease of the alert bar and it does function. I think the reason it does not feel like it is because it is very slow. It is between 30-60 seconds per tick depending on how far you've upgraded it. I'm going to increase the amount deducted from 1 to 5 for the next update to make it feel a bit faster. I do not want to go too far with this though since that would negate the reason for alerts existing especially since you can simply grab or gas any officer that is send out before they can seal a locker.
Please post the log file contents to help me narrow down the problem.
See this post on how to find the log file
The game's save and log files are located in these locations.
Windows: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/jakai/tentikun
or: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\jakai\tentikun
Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/jakai/tentikun/
On Windows copy the provided text line into the Windows Explorer address bar (see image below) to quickly jump there. The Player.log file is what I will need when you report a bug. It is best to copy this file as soon as you encounter the bug. The file is overriden when you restart the game so the logs with info about the bug will be gone if you restart. You can either share this file via a file sharing service (since you can not upload here) or copy-paste its contents into your post or join the Discord Server and upload the file there.
I'll have another look at the alert system's auto-decrease but it should be fine. The decrease rate is very slow to encourage you to not cause alerts in the first place. I may also implement other ways to decrease it in the future or ways to recover sealed lockers. Also note that the alerts are depleasted when an officer is sent out. You can also grab or gas that officer to make sure they do not seal a locker.
The upgrade system cost increases at around every 4 or 5 unlocks so that you have more choise of what to unlock before other upgrades presented. If I changed this to a static system it would not be any cheaper to unlock later upgrades. Note that unlocks (new infections types for example) will be more expensive than the upgrades. For ex, if thge upgrades are currently 5 then the unlock could be 9 or more.
yes.. so sorry about this. I would have had it fixed sooner but currently on the road. Will be back over weekend and will then push a fix.
If possible, please link your log file, or simply copy-paste its content as reply. I suspect it is the same problem but more info always help. It is in "player.log"
Your specs looks fine (I assume you have a decent graphics card too). There is probably an error in the demo. I am currently traveling so I can not check myself. Will be back next week then I can sort this out.
In the meanwhile, you can either upload the log file somewhere (it is file ending in .log) and link it here or copy-paste its contents here - especially the last lines since that is where error message will be.
Open Windows Explorer and past this line in the address bar (the bar just above the panels showing your folders) and you should be auto-navigated to the location of the log file. %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\jakai\tentikun\
or manually browse to: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\jakai\tentikun\
Thanks for reporting.
Does it not load at all, or only take a long time? Please give me some information about your system, like the CPU and RAM you have and whether you are using an SSD or HDD (disk drive)?
It might also help if I can have a look at your log files just in case there was an error.
For Windows the log files can be found at: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\jakai\tentikun\
and Linux at: ~/.config/unity3d/jakai/tentikun/
When I press Ctrl+Shift+N, which is the hotkey to create new folders in Windows Explorer, Invoke AI starts. Where can I disabled this behaviour?
[edit] Nvm, I found the desktop icon with the hotkey/shortcut defined in it. Don't have desktop icons on so totally missed that :p
Probably not good to hijack known Windows hotkeys though.
I've released a new game, SuperPantsu Tentikun, a lewd game of tentacle pleasures. It is still in development so be sure to check back for updates.
In this game you grab passing characters into lockers, and perhaps other cosy containers later, and give them ecstasy while extracting the energy needed to grow into a strong little tentacled monster. Use lust points to evolve Tentikun and unlock new abilities.