Awesome. Glad you didn't just take it as complaining. Visually, you might benefit from just having a simple 2d render of your tavern and the amount of people coming and going. That way the player can also see how things kind of look. Looking forward to updates.
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The game has a fairly interesting premise but is overall... not that interesting. The biggest issue is that mostly, you're just clicking Continue because there isn't anything to do today. I made it to about day 50 before quitting. The reason I quit is... not much is actually happening in this game. Twice, my tavern was visited by notable people and I thought, okay so what? Mostly, the game scales okay as you go. But I found two big issues. My first adventurer that I sent out came back with measly shares for the first two missions, then came back with 53 silver on a day where my regular earnings were in the single figure silver. So, that was a massive jump. From then on, my mission earnings were copper only - so randomly scaled earnings is really not great. I then got to about day 30 when my adventurers came home with 51 gold for me. This was huge. I upgraded the entire tavern three times over because they must have gone and slayed a dragon. By the way, the mission description would be good, chance of success and likely range of reward too. I also found a bug that happened in the 4th week where the day counter reset and my next end of week happened on day 4. Overall, this game needs work to get more than about 20 minutes out of a player. There's no real reason to come back and play again.