Got my card and was able to get the new version, Thanks for your work!
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Making progress, Im basically reworking everything, from the skills to the enemies to the companions, its a big change in how im doing things, so its gonna take a bit.
Right now i have to do still, the Skills, The Enemy Definitions, and the 4 new companions, after that its all map work, which for the most part is able to be released in a early version state, still wouldnt be 100% done, but its enough for people to get a taste.
Theres new link good for a week for anyone that wants to join, its not a super active discord, but i post more updates there than on Itch.
Here is a Link to a Google Form, Which will be used as a Poll.
Anyones EMails will NOT Be collected by this form, but WILL require you to sign into google, to limit the number of responses per person to 1.
The new update isnt out yet, and tbh it isnt a very big update, since most of the past 2 months i havent been able to dedicate much time to the game, most of the update was done in very little bits over the 2 months. But if you want to try out the new update, join my discord, and i will send you the URL and login info for the game.
Discord :
Oh, thats frriggin cool, I would love to be able to make something like that, I just wish I could export it to lets say RPGMaker or a Renpy game.
Stupid question, I Dont actually know, but, Is there a Free version of VaM, that just lets you view scenes?
or do you have to sub to their patreon(Which is what ill be doing for creator)?
Ok, after googling how to upload a RPGMaker Project into itch, I Found out how.
I Might've been pretty dumb, I Just had to zip it and upload it.
New problem though, at the time of writing this, I Cannot(or anyone) play the game in browser, Itch says the ZIP Contains too many tiles for use on their site.
So I Contacted their support, and hope to have it resolved sometime soon'ish.
For now, I Will just wait on Itch's response, but if people really want to try it before Itch responds, I can give them access to it on my local webserver.
There is a Lizard Enemy currently in, And I can add in a goblin or two new enemies, Elves would be fine to add, but dwarves would be the cut off point for me, I am imaging Stable Diffusion having trouble with dwarves, unless I can find the right Model to use, Which I'd rather not spend too much time looking for a model to just make dwarves.
Post your Idea for a Companion and/or Enemy here.
Please be very descriptive of their appearance for both companions and enemies.
If you are suggesting an Enemy, If you want to suggest certain abilites/skills, please describe them aswell.
If you are suggesting a Companion, Please choose from the following list of classes, Swordsman, Sorcerer, Priest, Knight, Magic Swordsman, or Hunter.
I Could make a custom class, but at the moment, i would rather not do that until the game is more complete.
Ok, so I am more than likely going to remove the units from the game in the next update, I view them as a failed experiment lol.
I Didnt know how to make the fights last a bit longer with a slight increase in difficulty.
With the Art style, I am actually using a more anime'ish one for the desert area, and likely from this point on, I Liked the Realistic Images i used before, but i ran into the exact issue you stated, its a bit more limiting than a more anime image style.
With the Lust and Out of Control state, I Wanted that to be a If you go too far too quick, it ends badly. Im trying to figure out how to balance that a bit better, I Do not like the fact that a Out Of Control Follower attacks themselves, and im trying to figure out a fix for that. I Did intend for them to attack OTHER party members, since they are out of control, but thats a WIP as i look to better that mechanic.
With my descriptions, i will try to create better scenes(the text describing growth) in this next update, and maybe touch up old ones if i have the time after working mostly on the new area.
Thank you again for the feedback, i appreciate the kind words and honest feedback. I Would rather someone be honest with me and just tell me how it is. Im simple when it comes to communication LOL
Also for a preview of the next update check the newest(at this time) devlog.
It seems someone Brute Forced their way into my Server, which is hosting the Web Version of the game, and as such, i will be taking it down, and securing my machine better. If the person who did this, is reading this... I Dont know what you were trying to get or do, i literally have nothing on that machine except my Stable Diffusion install and some Game Servers that arent even running lol...
Thanks, Its not much, but its something ive just been working on here and there, havent been focusing on it. Right now im wanting to switch art styles, as the Model im using for AI Image generation, is limiting what im able to generate, on one hand i dont want to remake every single image, and on the other im not wanting to mix two art styles, unless maybe i just use the new artstyle in a new area maybe. Also the art style i want to use is more anime'ish, the realistic one at the moment i like but is as i said limited. so im not too sure tbh.
Sorry, I Dont have the source files anymore, if people want I can upload something ive been working on off and on for a couple months, but its really the only thing i can upload right now and honestly, its not much. i have kind of been just dealing with some stuff IRL and havent had the drive to do much of anything.
Hey just out of curiousity, Could I DM you about developing a game in Renpy? Im mostly looking for someone to help me in making a game similiar to yours(ive attempted twice so far, got somewhere with the two attempted projects, but some stuff happened with the first where i lost the code. The second i had some mental health issues so i abandoned it, and have been trying to find motivation since). If you would be interested just let me know, and i will shoot you my discord, if not, no need to bother :p Thanks!