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james the mains

A member registered May 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Really solid work!

Maybe it's on my end but there doesn't appear to be a download button?

I really tried to get pre-built levels in but due to how the data was stored it just wouldn't work with WebGL. Learned what not to do for the next project that's for sure.

thank ya c:

Thank you :)

The goal was destroyed when I couldn't find a good way to share levels between players. It's unfortunate but still was fun to make and learned a lot so still a net gain.

Used it in a game jam for a little level editor thing. Turned out hella cool visually because of this art pack! Roundy the Round Man and his Fun Level Creations by james the mains (

Using it at work for prototyping as well (although it won't ever see the light of day with this art unfortunately)

Very solid!

Out skilled in my own game smh my head

Currently mouse & keyboard only. When in editor drag your mouse to the window border and it'll move the camera. When in play mode click and drag to launch the ball.

appreciate it! thank you :)

Very cute! Gameplay is fun and makes me wanna get a better score each time! The controls can get a little funky if you press multiple directions but other than that they were rock solid! Very good entry :)

it's very clearly AI and your willingness to lie about it just makes me want to avoid your content at all costs.

Was the AI using free art for the model? Otherwise this is basically useless if it may use copyrighted art.

Very interesting gameplay and a ton going on!

Cute but holy schmoly is my brain not developed enough to get that lower left coin.

Any plans to make more? I love the style so much and would love some modern themed stuff like phones, computers, car parts, etc...

Really charming and fun!

~Used the Lil Wiz pack to demonstrate my 2d platformer controller!~ Thanks! :)

Super Simple 2D Platformer Controller for Unity by tylur14 (

Excellent game! Needs a tutorial but its a very complete experience with a great amount of charm.

Excellent game! Needs a tutorial but its a very complete experience with a great amount of charm.

Love it! I am a bad shot but the game is addictive and excellent! Great job! :)

Only was able to open one chest for some reason but overall really fun especially after figuring out the timing for attacks. Good job! :)

I couldn't figure out what to do but the characters were really cute and the player physics were pretty solid xD

Treasure Island really got the short end of the development stick lol

Thanks for the feedback! 360 cannon no-scope

The rapids was my favorite and I spent most of the time tuning the turns and placement of stuff. The goal was to be difficult but not annoying. Thank you for the feedback! :)

Thanks for the feedback! I agree that the wheel turning from just a single click is a little goofy and if I work on this beyond the game jam I'll absolutely make that fix!

is def rage platformer

Fun little game. Loved the artstyle!

Really awesome style! Are you going to maybe make a UI set with that cursor and frame? That would be really awesome! Can't wait to see your next stuff!

Absolutely brilliant little game! The presentation is just top tier. The gameplay loop is really fun and addictive.

I am curious as to what the null reference was because it didn't halt gameplay lol

Very calming and polished. There was an issue on the level the ice dice are first introduced. When flipped back and forth I was getting a null reference exception. Unfortunately it didn't specify any further.

Very calming and polished. There was an issue on the level the ice dice are first introduced. When flipped back and forth I was getting a null reference exception. Unfortunately it didn't specify any further.

The idea is interesting and if it means anything the player controller was solid. Maybe you could carry this project beyond the jam to see the idea through!

The idea is really solid. I didn't realize that I had to roll myself at first but the game really clicked after that. The art style was really cute. Good job!

The idea is really solid. I didn't realize that I had to roll myself at first but the game really clicked after that. The art style was really cute. Good job!

I couldn't figure out how to get it to run. Just a grey screen. (Win10, Edge browser) :(

Really makes you feel like a Dungeon Dice Story Deluxe Edition