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Goodish Games

A member registered Mar 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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nvm i got 1120

this is actually a pretty cool little game, im surprised how much you could do with just one script. the music is a bit repetitive, but if this was on like a gameboy or smt, i could play this all day long. got a highscore of 420 lol

ngl, idk if youve heard of it before, but the sounds sound very similar to this one game called .catmilk

i love this game so much, its a very unique idea and i hope it wins the jam

very fun game, but i wish there was a little more tutorial on the gameplay

nice, im glad youre making a bunch of games

can anyone help me because i cant figure out how to unlock level two because it looks like i need a silver bow but i cant find any silver

also really fun game, love how it has such simple mechanics yet seems so complicated

bro you need to chill, how do you be releasing like 5 games a week i swear i keep seeing your games pop up

when i watched the youtube video, it looked like a really cool game, but whenever i get a minigame it just breaks and skips the whole minigame

short game, but still very cool, the swimming animation looks so good

very awesome game, love the mechanics and the music is just perfect for this vibe.

(1 edit)

just because of that devlog you posted ima download the game like 10 times, not sure if itll count but i hope it does cause this is a very cool game, and id love to see more plants in the future

thank you! im glad you enjoyed it

very awesome game, love the mechanics, the palette is awesome, and i love how the music slowly adds more tracks when you catch new fish

cute little game, i love the sprites, although i feel like if would be better if the water had a texture so you could see how far youre moving

cute little game, i love the sprites, although i feel like if would be better if the water had a texture so you could see how far youre moving

wow your game is so fun, i would love it if you could rate mine too, it would help a lot

very cool game, im surprised you made such a huge game in so little time. love the whole concept and it just felt really nice to play.

very nice game with awesome music, though i do feel like it would help if either the pipes were spaced out more or you didnt jump when you move.  but still great game!

ohh ok im kinda slow

i did move him into the shower, but the dirty% is still 100 the whole time?

very fun game, i think its really cool how you had the warnings for when an animal was coming. very cool concept

very fun game, i think its really cool how you had the warnings for when an animal was coming. very cool concept

thank you!

heres my game, hope you enjoy it!

very amazing game, i remember when you were streaming making this. glad you got the water to drain right!

not really sure what to do, all i see are arrows that move you back and forth, can anyone help me?

oh yeah thats because next to the health and water there is a lives counter, sorry if it wasnt that clear

thank you, im glad you enjoyed our game!

very fun game, would love to see more levels in the future!

very cool game, 5 stars across the board. i love how difficult it is and the ambiance feel is great.

oh yeah forgot abt that

thank you so much for the 5 stars! ill definitely rate your game too

I only had a few minutes to look at this, but I love the feel and the mood.  I got an immediate sense of dread from the text messages. Art style is great. I can't wait to dig into this depressing day. I am sure everything will work out great.

What a cool game! I love the art and the mood. Great work!

It took me a minute to understand what was happening, but I think this could be a great tower defense game, nice work!

I love the look of this game. The parallax craziness in the background was super fun to watch. Nice, tight gameplay, too!

took me a minute to get the feel, but I love the feeling of buoyancy!

Amazing game! So well made with great music and details! Excellent work!