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Jamie Marland

A member registered Sep 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! I really enjoyed watching you play, I’m glad you like the style and art of the game, I’m working on a second update to add more content and hopefully make some parts of the game easier for first-time players and fix some of the bugs! Again, thank you for spending the time to play and record it!

First off thanks so much for the in-depth feedback,

Definitely understand the frustration with the hold-down time, I’ve tried to minimise the time the best I can in system but could be better, It was initially inspired by Jumpking’s hold-down jump system. Although I’ll look into changing that system and see how it plays then, could also incidentally fix an issue at the moment where when the player is next to the side of the screen it’s annoying to move further that way as the direction is directly tied to the player position.

I’ve tried my best in the level design to minimise blind jump causing you to fall however its not perfect, I’d look into some kind of ‘look ahead’ camera system to you able to check an area your not in yet to solve this maybe.

Definitely agreed some good audio does wonders for immersion, I’m not the best with audio and am still very new to Unity’s implementation of audio so if you have any recommendations or help I would appreciate it. was thinking of using Fmod.

Again thank you for the feedback!


thanks! I’m excited, sent a friend request :)

Such a cool update was just thinking about what I wanted to add and I was excited to see you’ve already done some!

Appreciated! Hopefully I’ll have the coming soon finished in a week’s time!